Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies


Founded in 2012, we started providing education to only six students and we have now reached nearly fifty-five students. We opened a new graduate program in the department of Plant Production and Technologies and plan to open a doctorate program within three years.

Mission and Vision

Our Mission is to contribute to the public welfare by training qualified professionals who are equipped with modern professional knowledge and skills; can seek new knowledge and learn about new technologies; can continuously learn and teach; can produce, research, and apply information; is open to improvement; have the national and international competitive capacity with ethical values within the frame of universal values and in the line with national needs.

Our Vision is to be a pioneering, well-known, and modern faculty which has the national and international competitive capacity within the frame of sensitivity to environmental and ethical values in conducting modern educational activities, scientific research, and development studies, training qualified professionals in our faculty at Cyprus International University as one of the most productive institutions of Cyprus.

CIU Plant Technologies Department


Department students have the opportunity to undertake research, to become part of applied education, and to have the opportunity to be interns in the 29,400 acre Practice, Research and Training Farm near the CIU campus, which includes 6550 acres of farmland, 4200 acres of olive trees, 750 of various fruit trees and 1600 acres of vineyard. 450 acres are for greenhouse cultivation and 250 acres are for open vegetable cultivation. Arable crops such as clover are planted in 20,300 acres and poultry husbandry is carried out in 1000 acres with sheep, goat, and cattle farming occupying 850 acres of land.

By 2011, there were 1,130 cattle and 500 sheep and goats of different ages on the farm. The poultry husbandry business had 27 poultry houses of 720 m², nine of which were used for egg production and breeding, with a capacity of 18,000 chicks per week. There is capacity to produce 40,000 eggs per day in both of the poultry houses. Meat production occurs in the remaining 16 poultry houses. There is a 500 m2 closed space housing an olive processing plant within the farm.


Biyoteknoloji Araştırma Merkezi (BRC) Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik Laboratuvarı, moleküler çalışmaların yapılmasını sağlamaktadır. Bu laboratuvar, kullanılacak örnek materyali ile kontaminasyon hassaslığı ve riski göz önünde bulundurularak çeşitli fonksiyonel çalışma istasyonları şeklinde ayrılmıştır. Bu fonksiyonel çalışma istasyonları içerisinde solüsyon ve farmakolojik ajanların hazırlandığı çözelti hazırlama istasyonu (pH metre, manyetik karıştırıcı, ditile su cihazı vb.); protein izolasyonu ve ekspresyon çalışmalarının yapıldığı protein çalışma istasyonu (soğutmalı santrifüj, SDS elektroforez sistemi, “Western blotting” sistemi, ve “chemiluminescence” görüntüleme sistemi); cDNA sentezi için DNA çalışma istasyonu (nano spektrofotometre, santrifüj, blok ısıtıcı, vb.); nükleotid ekspresyon çalışmalarının yapıldığı PCR çalışıma istasyonu (realtime PCR rotary cycler, UV görüntüleme sistemi, yatay elektroforez sistemi); RNA izolasyonu ve ekspresyonunun çalışıldığı RNA çalışma istasyonu (nano spektrofotometre, santrifüj, blok ısıtıcı, vb.) bulunmaktadır. Bu alanlarda en güncel ve modern teknolojik moleküler çalışmalar yapılabilmektedir. 
Özet olarak öğrenciler klasik yanında, güncel ve teknolojik gelişmeleri takip edecek nitelikte tarımda verimliliğe odaklanmış hem pratik hem de akademik donanıma sahip olarak “Ziraat Mühendisi” unvanı ile mezun olmaktadır. 


Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies
Graduate Sciences and Education Center, GE126

Tel: +90 392 671 1111 Extension: 2391
Faculty E-mail: secretary-foa@ciu.edu.tr
Dean: Prof. Dr. Mustafa Erayman
Dean E-mail: merayman@ciu.edu.tr