Breadcrumb HomeAbout UsFaculties and SchoolsSchool of Physical Education and SportsSPES Academic Staff SPES Academic Staff Prof. Dr. HALİL İBRAHİM YALIN Acting Director of School of Physical Education and Sports Asst. Prof. Dr. MEHMET ŞÜKRÜ RONA Asst. Prof. Dr. OSMAN EMİROĞLU Sr. Instr. BORA LİMAN Sr. Instr. ÇİLEM ESENYEL ÖZTEKNİK Sr. Instr. COŞKUN ULUSOY Sr. Instr. OKAN KARADEMİR Sr. Instr. SEDAT DEVECİOĞLU Sr. Instr. SEMA ÖZDEN Sr. Instr. SERGEN SUMMAKOĞULLARI Sr. Instr. SERHAT DENİZ Sr. Instr. ŞEYDA ÇELİK KARAHANÇER Sr. Instr. ÜNEY BENSEL