Good Health and Well-Being
Current Collaborations with Health Institutions
Cyprus International University has an agreement with the Ministry of Health in terms of collaboration with governmental hospitals including data gathering, education, and research related to SDGs (See Appendix 1a).
Also, Cyprus International University has an agreement with Kolan British Hospital including research amongst other topics (See Appendix 1b).
Furthermore, Cyprus International University has an agreement with the Pharmacist Council of Nigeria to exchange educational data and promote and encourage joint research activities (See Appendix 2).
Our other collaborations include Turkish American Pharmacists Association, the Cyprus Turkish Pharmacists’ Union, and Neuro-Psychiatrsches Zentrum Riem (NPZR), (See Appendix 3).
Click to see the full pdf file.
Health Outreach Programs
Cyprus International University provides lots of free educational programs, events, and seminars to the community in the context of Good Health and Well Being. Most of our events are advertised in the events tab on our university website:, where some of these events are organized in collaboration with the government or NGOs.
While some of these events cover topics like disabilities, the university also provides support to students with disabilities (see Appendix 1).
Some of the Health-related events can be seen in the full pdf file. Click to see.
Shared Sports Facilities
We share our sports facilities with the public to increase the good health and well-being of the community. Click for more information about CIU Arena and its memberships.
Furthermore, courts (including basketball and volleyball courts) are accessible by the local community free of charge.
Click to see the full pdf file.
Some of these facilities can be seen below in the pictures.
Sexual and reproductive health care services for students
Students are assisted with sexual and reproductive healthcare services through our Health Center when needed. Further assistance is also available to students through our Healthy Life Center.
Click to see the full pdf file.
Mental Health Support
At Cyprus International University, we offer mental health support for our students and staff. This service is accessible through Psychological Counseling and Guidance Center.
Click to see the full pdf file.
Smoking-free Policy
Click to see our smoke-free policy.