Faculty of Education
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Buca Eğitim Fakültesi ELT (PhD, 2008)
- Ege Üniversitesi Amerikan Kültürü ve Edebiyatı (Master, 2004)
- Maragheh Üniversitesi ELT (Undergraduate, 1998)
Articles published in other peer reviewed international journals
- Speech and thought Presentation in Soon by Alice Munro: A Stylistic Analysis - 2023
- Speech and Thought Presentation in Chance by Alice Munro: A Stylistic Analysis - 2021
- Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. The Application of Pedagogical Stylistics In ELT Literature and Language Teaching Courses. International Online Journal of Primary Education (IOJPE), Vol4. No.1,2015. - 2015
- Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. A Comparative Stylistic Analysis of Hughes's Thank You, M'am and Santiago's Something Could Happen to You. New Issue International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports & Science Education (IJTASE), Vol4. No.2, 2015. - 2015
- (This article was orally presented in the 14th International Language, Lterature and Stylistics Symposium, İzmir, 2014) - 2014
- (This article was orally presented in the 2. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Reaserch in Education, TRNC, 2013) - 2013
- Özen, Baki & Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. Teaching Vocabulary through Poetry in an EFL Classroom. International Online Journal of Primary Education (IOJPE), Vol 1. No.1, 2012. - 2012
- (This article was orally presented in the Global Education Conference 11. TRNC, 2011) - 2011
- Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. Incorporating Multicultural Literature in English Language Teaching Curriculum. WCES-2009, Cyprus, 2009. - 2009
- (This article was orally presented in the World Conference on Educational Sciences, TRNC, 2009) - 2009
- Serin, Nergüz., Serin, Oğuz., Yavuz, Mehmet Ali & Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. The Relationship between the Primary Teacher's Teaching Strategies and Their Strength in Multiple Intelligence (Their Multiple Intelligence Types) (Sampling: Izmir and Lefkoşa). WCES-2009, Cyprus, 2009. - 2009
- (This article was orally presented in the (This article was orally presented in the World Conference on Educational Sciences, TRNC, 2009) - 2009
- Serin, O. & Mohammadzadeh, B. The Relationship between Primary School Student's Attitudes towards science and Their Science Achievement (Sampling: Izmir). Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences (CJES), Cyprus, Vol 3, No 2, 2008. - 2008
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- An in-depth analysis of the representation of speech acts and language functions in Libyan public high school English textbooks - 2023
- Language corpus and data driven learning (DDL) in language classrooms: A systematic review - 2023
- Effect of Teaching Metacognitive Reading Strategies on Reading Comprehension of Engineering Students - 2022
- Gender representation in EFL textbooks used in state schools in Northern Iraq and teachers’ perceptions of gender role stereotypes - 2022
- Iraqi Kurdish EFL teachers’ beliefs about technological pedagogical and content knowledge: The role of teacher experience and education - 2022
- Examining the effects of stroke on students’ L2-grit levels in an EFL context: A case of Northern Iraq - 2022
- The effectiveness of ICT-supported flipped learning in an EFL context: A case of northern Iraq - 2022
- Challenges of Writing Theses and Dissertations in an EFL Context: Genre and Move Analysis of Abstracts Written by Turkish MA and Ph. D. Students - 2022
- Realisation of the speech act of request, suggestion and apology by Libyan EFL learners - 2021
- Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Competence in an EFL Context for a Sustainable Learning Environment: A Case of Northern Cyprus - 2021
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- An Investigation into the Libyan EFL Students’ Listening Comprehension Problems - 2022
- Research into the EFL Students’ Pragmatic Competence Level in Libya - 2022
- An Investigation into the Libyan EFL Students’ Listening Comprehension Problems. - 2022
- Research into the EFL Students’ Pragmatic Competence Level in Libya - 2022
- An Analysis of Foregrounding in “If” by Rudyard Kipling. - 2022
- An Assessment of Intercultural Communicative Competence of EFL Learners: A Case of Northern Cyprus - 2022
- Mohammadzadeh, Behbood & Atmaca, Sevilay & Alabi, Adesanya M. The Sacred and the Sublime Landscapes and Natural features in The Way to Rainy Mountain by N. Scott Momaday: An Ecocritical Analysis. 1sth International Symposium of American Studies, DEUSAS, İzmir, 2016. - 2016
- Alabi, Adesanya M. & Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. The Sublime in Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Deconstructive Analysis. 1sth International Symposium of American Studies, DEUSAS, İzmir, 2016. - 2016
- Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. Brevity and Terseness in The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga: A Stylistic Analysis. 15th International Stylistics Symposium, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey, 2015. - 2015
- Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. & Alabi, Adesanya M. Brevity And Terseness in Ernest Hemingway's A Day's Wait And In Another Country: A Stylistic Analysis 15th International Stylistics Symposium, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey, 2015. - 2015
- Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. A Comparative Stylistic Analysis of Hughes's Thank You, M'am and Santiago's Something Could Happen to You. 14th International Language, Lterature and Stylistics Symposium, İzmir, 2014. - 2014
- Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. The Application of Pedagogical Stylistics in ELT Literature and Language Teaching Courses. 2. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Reaserch in Education, TRNC, 2013. - 2013
- Akyol, Nilhan Fatma & Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. Teaching English through Drama in an EFL Classroom. 2. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Reaserch in Education, TRNC, 2013. - 2013
- Özenç, Özlem & Mohammadzadeh B. Error Analysis of the Written English Essays at the School of Foreign Languages of Cyprus International University. New Trends on Global Education Conference. TRNC, 2012. - 2012
- Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. & Mazlum Farhad. The Implication of Pedagogical Stylistics in the EFL/ESL Classrooms. New Trends on Global Education Conference. TRNC, 2012. - 2012
- Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. Methodological Implementations of Teaching English to Preschool Children. New Trends on Global Education Conference, TRNC, 2011. - 2011
- Mohammadzadeh, Bebood. & Obioma, Chizgozie .John. A Comparative Postcolonial Reading of The God of Small Things and Purple Hibiscus. New Trends on Global Education Conference, TRNC, 2011. - 2011
- Özen, Baki & Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. Teaching Vocabulary through Poetry in an EFL Classroom. New Trends on Global Education Conference TRNC, 2011. - 2011
- Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. Podcasts: Teacher and Student Friendly Technology in Language Teaching and Learning. ICONTE, Antalya, 2010. - 2010
- Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. Incorporating Multicultural Literature in English Language Teaching Curriculum. WCES-2009, Cyprus, 2009. - 2009
- Serin, B. N., Serin, O., Yavuz, M.A. & Mohammadzadeh, B. The Relationship between the Primary Teacher's Teaching Strategies and Their Strength in Multiple Intelligence (Their Multiple Intelligence Types) (Sampling: Izmir and Lefkoşa). WCES-2009, Cyprus, 2009. - 2009
- Direk Hatice. & Mohammadzadeh Behbood. Özker Yaşın'ın Şiirlerinde Sözbilimsel Öğeler ve Yinelemeler Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi 2. Dünya Dili Türkçe Sempozyumu. 9-11 Aralık 2009. - 2009
- Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. A Postcolonial Discourse in The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. ICANAS38, Ankara, 2007. - 2007
Articles published in National journals
- Libyan EFL Learners’ Attitudes towards Oral Interactional Corrective Feedback: A Case of Sirte University - 2021
- Serin, Oğuz. & Mohammadzadeh, Behbood. The Relationship between Primary School Student's Attitudes towards science and Their Science Achievement (Sampling: Izmir). Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences (CJES), Cyprus, Aralık 2008. - 2008
Books and books chapters published internationally
- Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Competence in an EFL Context for a Sustainable Learning Environment: A Case of Northern Cyprus - 2021
Papers presented in National conferences and printed as proceedings
- Mohammadzadeh, Behbood & Önder Alev. Okulöncesi Dönemi Çocuklarının İngilizce İkinci Dil Eğitiminde Kullanılan Yöntemlere İlişkin Genel bir Değerlendirme. 18. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kurultayı.Ege Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi. 16-18 Eylül 2010. - 2010
- Şahin, Sülen. & Mohammadzadeh Behbood. & Direk, Hatice. Öğretmen Adaylarının Öğretmenlik Mesleğine Yönelik Tutum ve Yaşam Doyum Düzeyleri. 18. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kurultayı.Ege Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi. 1-3 Ekim 2009. - 2009
Thesis Supervision
Master Thesis Supervised
- An Ecocritical Study of A White Heron by Sarah Orne Jewett and Death of The Trees by Ruskin Bond - 2023
- The COVID-19 Outbreak and Pandemic in Literature: Effects of Pandemics on Individuals and Societies in The Plague and The Masque of the Red Death. - 2023
- Speech and Thought Presentation in Margaret Atwood’s Selected Short Stories: A Stylistic Analysis - 2023
- A Feminist Stylistic Analysis of Alice Munro's Selected Short Stories. - 2022
- The Use of Literary Texts in an EFL Content: Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions in Oman. - 2022
- A Comparative Psychoanalytic Study of The Underground Railroad and Heart of Darkness. - 2022
- Oppression Against Women: A Comparative Feminist Reading of Wide Sargasso Sea and Damascus Bitter Sweet - 2022
- An Assessment of Intercultural Communicative Competence of EFL Learners: A Case of Northern Cyprus - 2022
- Humour in Kingsley Amis’s Lucky Jim and John Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces. - 2022
- Analysis of Speech Acts in Turkish EFL High School Textbooks. - 2022
- A Comparative Womanist Analysis of The Stillborn and Purple Hibiscus - 2021
- A Psychoanalytic Analysis of The Buried Giant and Sophia’s War: A Tale of the Revolution - 2021
- A Comparative Psychoanalytic Analysis of the Poetry of Wilfred Owen and Sylvia Plath. - 2021
- The Representation of Cultural Elements in EFL high school Textbook in Libya. - 2021
- Politeness and Impoliteness Strategies and Their Effects on Characterization in A Day’s Wait and The Open Window - 2021
- Analysis of Speech Acts and Language Functions in Nigerian ESL High School Textbooks. - 2021
- The Evolution of Resistance in Half of a Yellow Sun and Purple Hibiscus: A Postcolonial Reading. - 2021
- The Marginalization of Art and Literature in Twentieth-Century Dystopian Fiction in Brave New World and Nineteen Eighty-Four - 2021
- Prepositional Errors Made by Korean EFL High School Students - 2021
- Gender Representation in Pakistan’s Higher Secondary EFL Textbooks - 2021
- Error Analysis of Speaking Skills Committed by Students of the English Department at Salahaddin University - 2021
- Text World Theory, Real Reader and Emotional Response to Kazuo Ishiguro's Selected Novels. - 2021
- An Analysis of Dystopian Science Fiction and its Influence on Humanity in Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 - 2021
- Eco-Consciousness and Eco-Activism in The Eye Of The Earth And We Thought it was Oil, but it was Blood: An Ecocritical Reading - 2021
- The Impact of Cultural Background on the Choice of Language Learning Strategies in an EFL Context. - 2020
- Violating and Flouting Maxims in Selected Plays by Drew Hayden Taylor: A Stylistic Analysis. - 2020
- Speech and Thought Presentations in Alice Munro’s Selected Short Stories: A Stylistic Analysis - 2020
- The Representation of Cultural Elements in EFL High School Textbooks in Northern Iraq. - 2020
- Research into the EFL Students’ Pragmatic Competence Level in Libya: A Case of Omar Mukhtar and Benghazi Universities - 2020
- Libyan EFL Teachers’ and Learners’ Attitudes towards Oral Interactional Corrective Feedback in Sirte University - 2020
- Gender Representation in High School EFL Textbooks in Libya. - 2020
- Language Learning Strategies Used By High School EFL Learners in Libya. - 2020
- A Stylistic Analysis of the Selected Short Stories by Alice Munro. - 2020
- A Stylistic Analysis of the Selected Short Stories by Alice Munro. - 2020
- Feminist Consciousness in African Literature: A Critical Analysis of Gender Representations in Buchi Emecheta’s The Joys of Motherhood. - 2020
- A Study of University EFL and ESL Students’ Implicature Comprehension Levels in English. - 2019
- University Students’ perceptions towards Flipped Learning in English Reading Comprehension Classrooms in Libya - 2019
- Research into the EFL Students' Pragmatic Competence level in Northern Iraq. - 2019
- A survey of Libyan EFL learners' attitudes toward ICT at Alzaytona University. - 2019
- 17- Mosa, Belend Najib. The Investigation of Efl Zakho University Students' Awareness and Perceived Use of Reading Strategies. Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 18- Taher Yusıf, Bayar Mohammed. Correlational Study between Language Anxiety and English Speaking Proficiency among Duhok University Students in Iraq. Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 19- Ormyzyar, Nawsherwan. An Investigation into the Use of Punctuation Marks by Kurdish EFL University Students. Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 20- Yanmaz, Şahin. The Effects of Extensive Reading on Enhancing Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary Recognition, Grammar Competence and Attitude: A Case Study of 9th Grade A1 Level EFL Students in the Academic Year 2014 at Reşha Anatolia Medical High School. Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 21- Wahid, Karwan. A Study on Literary Transitional Period: Contribution to Modernism in G.B.Shaw's Arms and the Man E.M. Froster's A Room with a View. Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 22- Fattah Hussein, Omar. The Burnout Levels of Kurdish EFL Teachers Working in Governmental Schools in Duhok. Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 23- Lateef Omar, Sangar. The Views of EFL Teachers on the Use of Communicative Language Teaching in English Language Teaching Classes in Northern Iraq. Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 24- Saeed Ali, Al-Mohammad Shinwar. Error analysis of the written English compositions of undergraduate students at Duhok university in Iraq. Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 25- Jaafar Rashied, Rezan. A Survey on Vocabulary Learning Strategies used by Learners of English at the University of Zakho in Northern Iraq. Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 26- Mohammed Ibrahim, Rawezh. Error Analysis of the Written English Essays by the Second Year Students at the University of Raparin In Northern Iraq. Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 27- Mohammed Ali Mustafa, Lulav. A Stylistic Analysis of Mrs. Dalloway By Virginia Woolf. Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 28- Muhiddinoğlu, Mustafa. The Study and Teaching of Stream of Consciousness Technique in Virginia Woolf's To The Lighthous. Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 29- Almesbahi, Alemmari. An Analysis of the Errors Made in Writing by Libyan Learners of English. Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 30- Ceylan, Ali. Examining the Burnout Levels of EFL Lecturers at School of Foreign Languages of a State University - Manisa Case. Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 9- Alwan, Ali. An Analysis of the Errors Made in Writing by Iraqi Learners of English. Cyprus International University, 2014. - 2014
- 10- Aqrawi, Rany Muayad Hussein. A Study on Deductive and Inductive Approches in Teaching Grammar to Iraqi Learners of English. Cyprus International University, 2014. - 2014
- 11- Mustafa, Newar Yasin. An Investigation into the Vocabulary Teaching Techniques Used by Iraqi Teachers of English in line with the Book 11th, Sunrise Series. Cyprus International University, 2014. - 2014
- 12- Salim, Avraz Nazeer. An Investigation into Undersgraduate Students' Motivation towards Learners of English in Iraq. Cyprus International University, 2014. - 2014
- 13- Muhammed, Jabir Diwaly. Vocabulary Learning Strategies of English Language Learners in Northern Iraq. Cyprus International University, 2014. - 2014
- 14- Alabdi, Shiwar Mosa Rashid. The Effect of Mnemonic Vocabulary Learning Strategy on English Language Learner's Vocabulary Learning and Retention. Cyprus International University, 2014. - 2014
- 15- Alaqrawi, Rayan Tatarkhan Sulaiman. A Comparative Stylistic Analysis of a Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyes and My Father's Rifle by Huner Saleem. Cyprus International University, 2014. - 2014
- 16- Sulaiman, Sayran Majeed. A Study of Electra Complex in Sylvia Plath's Selected Poems. Cyprus International University, 2014. - 2014
- 5- Majeed Abbo Neamat. An Evaluatıve study of the Twelfth Grade English Textbook of Sunrise Series from English Language Teachers' Perspectives. Cyprus International University, 2013. - 2013
- 7- Abdukhakimov, Azizbek. A Comparative Semantic Analysis of Emotions in English and Uzbek Languages Based on The Great Gatsby. Cyprus International University, 2013. - 2013
- 8- Akkoyun, Esra. The Role of Pictures and Games in Vocabulary Teaching: A Case Study with a Two-year Old Boy in a Naturalistic Setting. Cyprus International University, 2013. - 2013
- 2- Özenç, Özlem. Error Analysis of The Written English Essays at the School of Foreign Languages of Cyprus International University. Cyprus International University, 2012. - 2012
- 3- Kartal, Derya. The Views of EFL Teachers on the Use of Literature in English Language Teachıng Classes in TRNC. Cyprus International University, 2012. - 2012
- 4- Akyol, Fatma Nilhan. Teaching Vocabulary through Drama in an EFL Classroom. Cyprus International University, 2012. - 2012
- 1- Özen, Baki. Teaching Vocabulary through Poetry in an EFL Classroom. Cyprus International University, 2011. - 2011
Doctorate Thesis Supervised
- Representation of Speech Acts, Language Functions, Metapragmatic Knowledge and Contextual Variables in Libyan Secondary School Textbooks - 2023
- Examining the Correlation between Students’ Stroke and Willingness to Write with students’ L2-Grit Levels in an EFL Context: A Case of Northern Iraq. - 2023
- Examining EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Competence Levels. - 2022
- Research into the Use of ICT-supported Flipped Learning in an EFL Context: A Case of Northern Iraq. - 2022
- Realisation of the Speech Act of Request, Suggestion and Apology by Libyan EFL Learners. - 2022
- Gender Representation in EFL Textbooks Used in Public Schools in Northern Iraq and Teachers' Perceptions of Gender Role Stereotypes. - 2022
- Production and Comprehension of Implicatures by Non-Native Speakers of English: A Case of Northern Iraq. - 2022
- Research into the Adoption and Adaptation of ICT in EFL Classes in Libya: Students’ and Teachers’ Views - 2020
- KKTC’de Kamu Liselerinde İngilizce Öğretiminde Bilgi ve İletişim Tekonolojileri Kullanımının Değerlendirilmesi (2017-2020)
- Okulöncesi Dönemi Çocuklarının İngilizce İkinci Dil Eğitiminde Kullanılan Yöntemlere İlişkin Genel Bir Değerlendirme. 2009-2010 (Proje Yürütücüsü)
Research Areas
- Literature in ELT, Pedagogical Stylistics, EFL/ELT, ICT in ELT, Literary Criticism