Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Eastern Mediterranean University,Faculty of Architecture Architecture (PhD, 2023)
- Florence Design Academy,Italy Interior Design (Master, 2018)
- Hasselt University, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Belgium Interior Architecture (PhD-Master Blended Program) (Professional Doctorate, 2016)
- Eastern Mediterrinean University,Faculty of Architecture Interior Architecture (Master, 2013)
- Eastern Mediterrinean University, Faculty of Architecture Architecture (Undergraduate, 2011)
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Esentepe, B. M., & Günçe, K. (2023). New emotive attachment to abandoned homes after 1974 Turkish Cypriot displacement in North Cyprus. Housing Studies, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1080/02673037.2023.2228239 (SSCI) - 2023
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- Esentepe, B., M., & Günçe, K. (2019). The Role of Memory as a Benefit of Place Attachment on Refugees’ Attachment to Place: Case Study on Turkish Cypriot Refugees in Refugee Village, Nicosia, North Cyprus. LIVENARCH VI - 6th International Congress Livable Environments&Architecture -Replacing - 2019
- Esentepe, B. M., & Günce, K. (2017). Attachment - Neighbourhood Relationships of Two Different Migrant Groups: The Case of Esentepe - Cyprus. 10th International Sinan Symposium (pp. 19-26). Edirne, Turkey: Trakya University Press (Full Paper Published in Conference Proceeding) - 2017
- Esentepe, B. M., & Gunce, K. (2016). Change and Transformation of Interior Space at Mass Housing in Nicosia,North Cyprus. I. Mimarlik Yuksek Lisansustu Calismalari Sempozyumu-I (pp. 251-259). Istanbul,Turkey: Cenkler Press. (Full Paper Published in Conference Proceeding) - 2016
- Esentepe, B., Gunce,K. (2015). New Boundary which is Generated by Migrants in Bounded Historic Region. 9th International Sinan Symposium (pp. 605-612). Edirne,Turkiye (Full Paper Published in Conference Proceeding) - 2015
Other Publications
- Esentepe, B., Günce,K. (2015). User Profile Effects and Transformations in Mass Housing in Nicosia, North Cyprus. Housing and Cities in a Time of Change: Are We Focusing on People? ENHR Lisbon 2015. Lisbon, Portugal - 2015
- Awarded the best design project by Official Florence Design Academy Exibition in Italy (2018)
- Awarded the best furniture design by Florance Desigm Academy Exhibition in Italy (2018)
- Awarded the best historical cafe-restaurant design by Official Florence Design Academy Exibition in Italy (2018)