Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- EMU Architecture (PhD, 2006)
- Hacettepe University Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (Master, 2000)
- EMU Architecture (Undergraduate, 1997)
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- Paper Presentation ' Birsel, Z., Çeliker, A. and Çelik, D., 'Interpreting the Changing Architectural Values in North Cyprus', XXXVI IAHS World Congress on Housing Science, Santander, Spain, Ekim 2010 (basıldı). - 2010
- Paper Submisson ' Çeliker, A. And Çelik, D., 'Interpreting the Developments and Sustainability of the Hill Town: Karaman (Karmi)',XXXVI IAHS World Congress on Housing Science, Kolkata, India, Kasım 2008. - 2008
- Paper Presentation ' Çelik, D., 'Analysis of the Modernist Language in Cyprus: a Case Study on a Local Architect', BUHU, 5th International Postgraduate Research Conference in Built and Environment, The University of Salford, Manchester, UK, Nisan 2005 (basıldı - 2005
Papers presented in National conferences and printed as proceedings
- Paper Presentation ' Çelik, D., 'Ahmet Vural Behaeddin', İz Bırakmış Kıbrıslı Türkler Symposium ' 5 (Ahmet Vural Behaeddin & Ali Atakan), DAÜ, Gazi Mağusa, Kuzey Kıbrıs, Kasım 2008 (published). - 2008
Articles published in National journals
- Paper ' Çeliker, A., Celik, D., 'Heyecanlandiran Tasarim', Mimarca 73, s.42-44, Mart 2006, Kuzey Kıbrıs. - 2006
- Paper ' Çavusoglu, B., Çeliker, A., Çelik, D., Hoşkara, Ş., 'Ingiliz Donemi Standart Lefkosa Evleri', Mimarca 73, s.9-16, Mart 2006, Kuzey Kıbrıs. - 2006
- Paper ' Çavusoglu, B., Çeliker, A., Çelik, D., 'meydani bos bulmak', Mimarca 73, s.8, Mart 2006, Kuzey Kıbrıs. - 2006
- Paper ' Ertürk, Z., Çelik, D., 'Düzgün Geometrinin Usta Mimarı: Ahmet Vural Behaeddin', Arkitekt 502, s.28-35, Ekim-Kasım 2005, İstanbul. - 2005
- Paper - Çelik, D., 'Kıbrıs'taki Modern Mimarinin, ilk Kıbrıslı Türk Mimar AHMET VURAL BEHAEDDİN örneğinde analiz edilmesi', Mimarca 72, Aralık 2005, Kuzey Kıbrıs. - 2005
- Paper ' Çavusoglu, B., Çeliker, A., Çelik, D., 'biz O'nu sever(is)dik!', Mimarca 72, s.54, Aralık 2005, Kuzey Kıbrıs. - 2005
- Paper ' Çavusoglu, B., Çeliker, A., Çelik, D., 'tasarim O'nun icin'' , Mimarca 71, s.35, Temmuz 2005, Kuzey Kıbrıs. - 2005
Other Publications
- Çelik, D., ''The Interior space organization of the apart hotel unit's', Advisor: Doç. Dr. Müge Bozdayı, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, master Thesis, 2000. - 2000
- Interior Design Project ' 'Dental Aesthetics Clinic, Clinic Design, Lefkoşa, 2008-2009 '
- Interıor Design Project' Clinic Design, 'Denthouse Clinic', 2006
- Interior Design Project, Office Design, Çelik Hukuk Bürosu, 2006
- Interior Design Project Consultancy' Tabipler Birligi, 'Med Club', 2005
- Interior Design Project ' 'Nailer Residence' , 2005
- EMU, 2003-2004 Spring, Graduation Ceremony Stage Design
- Short Film Presentation and Installation - 'Digitaleyes' ' Uluslararası Gazimağusa Sempozyumu, M.M.M. ' Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Fakültesi, 2004
- Video Art ' 'eye2eye' ' 8. Uluslararası Gazimağusa Sanat ve Kültür Festivali, Kuzey Kıbrıs, 2004
- 'A Swiss in the Mediterranean' International le Corbusier Seminar (10-13 December 2014) CIU. Workshop: Rethinking Le Corbusier/Like Le Corbusier Designs.
- Text Space 3 'Recreating Imaged Space in Shakespeare's Work' (10-13 May 2016) Büyük Han, Lefkoşa.
- FFADA DESIGN FEST III (27-31 Mart 2017) 'Rejuvenating Dereboyu Workshop', Lefkoşa.
Research Areas
- Architecture, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design,