Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Near East University Art and Design (PhD, 2022)
- Marmara University Painting (Master, 2013)
- Marmara University Painting (Undergraduate, 1996)
Books and books chapters published nationally
- Açan, V. (2023). Ünite 4: İslam Coğrafyası ve İllüstrasyon. Tülay Kayabekir (Ed.) İllustrasyon içinde s.100-129. Atatürk Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi ISBN: 978-625-6430-27-3 - 2023
Written national books or sections in books
- Açan, V. (2023) Sanayi Devrimi Dönemi Artistik Posterlerdeki Kadın Stereotipler. U. Bakan, N. Üstündağ & U. Bakan (Ed.) Görsel Sanatlarda Güncel Uygulamalar içinde Bölüm 13 (s.201-216). İzmir Kâtip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Fakültesi Yayınları - 2023
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- Açan, V., TÜBİTAK ve Sakarya Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi, ICOMS Uluslararası İletişim Bilimleri Sempozyumu, “Birinci Dünya Savaşı Dönemi Posterlerindeki Kadın Stereotipler”, 28-29 Kasım 2022, Tam Metin Bildiri Kitabı, s. 88-100. - 2022
Articles published in National journals
- Açan, V. (2022). Toplumsal Cinsiyet Tartışmaları Bağlamında Kadın İmgesine Tarihsel Bir Bakış, KTMMOB Mimarlar Odası Dergisi, Mimarca, Sayı: 93, s.37-42. - 2022
- Acan, V. (2015). Use of Venus as an Art Object in the Postmodern Era. Hacettepe University Faculty of Fine Arts Sanat Yazıları Journal, 33, 239-254. - 2015
Papers presented in National conferences and printed as proceedings
- Açan, V., İzmir Kâtip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Fakültesi, Ulusal İzmir Sanat ve Kültür Kongresi, “Sanayi Devrimi Dönemi Artistik Posterlerdeki Kadın Stereotipler”, 15-17 Kasım 2022. - 2022
- Açan, V. (2018). Mask Design as a Self-Expression Tool. 12. National Art Symposium: Shifting Paradigms and Limit-Experiences in Art, 26-27.04.2018, Hacettepe University Faculty of Fine Arts, Proceedings Book, p.355-364. - 2018
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Acan, V., Aygenc, E. (2021). Changing portrayal of women during the late modern period in regards to visual communication design. Visual Studies. 37(4) 311–323. https://doi.org/10.1080/1472586X.2021.1950046 - 2021
Books and books chapters published internationally
- Açan, V. (2016). Görsel Kültürün Oluşumunda Çıplaklık. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN-10:3330008954 - 2016
- Acan, V., Workshop Leadership, Mormenekşe Contemporary Women's Association, A Happy Day Project: 23 April Event "Draw Your Dreams”, 21.03.2019
- Acan, V., Mesda, Y., Workshop Leadership, "The Geometry of Motion-II”, CIU FFADA Design Fest V, 02-03.05.2019
- Acan, V., Workshop Leadership: "Character Design with Collage Technique" with Nicosia with Anatolian Fine Arts High School students, 05.04.2018, CIU FFADA
- Acan, V., Workshop Leadership, "The Art of Figure Ground”, CIU FFADA Design Fest IV, 25-26.04.2018 (Collaborative work: Assoc. Prof. Payam M. Shotorbani, Yasemin Mesda, Nihan Yusufoğlu)
- Acan, V., Mesda, Y., Workshop Leadership, "The Geometry of Motion-I”, CIU FFADA Design Fest IV, 24-27.04.2018
- Acan, V., Participation in Group Exhibition: “Maintaining Visual Memory against the Destruction of Cultural Heritage” UNESCO Project Exhibition, Atatürk Culture Center, Nicosia. 30.10 - 13.11.2018
- Acan, V. Allegory of Woman. Dar Cephe Art Gallery, Group Exhibition, March 2017
- Açan, V., group exhibition: Sarıyer Municipality Republic Week Events, “Republic suits us very well” art exhibition, 24.10.2017-03.11.2017, Yaşar Kemal Culture Center, İstanbul
- Açan, V. , Graphic Design Department Student Exhibition, Curator, EMAA Art Center, 01-09 April 2016
- Açan, V. , Graphic Design Department Student Exhibition, Curator, AKM Small Hall, 16-20 March 2015
- Acan, V. Architectural Representation, Simulation and Caricatures. Cyprus International University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design & Architecture, Le Corbusier Seminar workshop, December 2014
- Graphic design products for Le Corbusier Seminar (Brochure, program, name badge, participation certificate), December 2014
- Açan, V. , Go Green / Ecological Bag Printing Workshop, Eastern Mediterranean University, 4. International Design Week, May 2014
- Açan, V. , Graphic Design Department Students Exhibition, Curator, AKM Small Hall, March 2014
- Açan, V. , MİAK publicity posters design, 2014
- Şanlıurfa masters Athletics Club, logo design, 2014
- Cyprus map illustration in the scientific article "Orthodox Church Architecture in the Northern Districts of Cyprus from the Mid-19th century to 1974, From Eclectism to Neo-Byzantine" of Marko Kiessel and Asu Tozan. (Page:160)
- Illustrations prepared for the study titled "Forschungsstand und neue Forschung zum Frühchristentum in Zypern", which was presented by Asst. Assoc. Dr. Marko Kiessel at the University of Cologne.
- The Illustrations in the book titled "Die Christianisierung Europas. Entstehung, Entwicklung und Konsolidierung im archäologischen Befund"(Page: 371, 375, 377)
Research Areas
- Graphic Design