
19th May is one of the turning points in the history of the Republic of Turkey

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Education Academic Staff Assist. Prof. Dr. Cahit Nuri, stating that 19th May 1919 is one of the turning points in the history of the Republic of Turkey, he went on to say “19th May, the date that Atatürk stepped foot in Samsun at the same time is also celebrated as Youth and Sports Day”.

Reminding that Youth and Sports Day was first celebrated in 1926 under the name of Veterans Day in Samsun, Nuri informed that on 24th May 1935, it officially became known as Atatürk Day.

Stating that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk believed that it is the youth who will carry the Turkish nation forward while opposing outdated ideas, Assist. Prof. Dr. Nuri drew attention to the separate importance of youth for Atatürk.

Explaining that Atatürk did not make any age definition when referring to young individuals, Nuri went on to say, "Outside of age limits, youth is referred to as an innovation of ideas. These words of his are very meaningful: "To say young-minded, is to say the real-minded who sees and understands the truth".

Advising that Atatürk stepping foot in Samsun is one of the important events in the Republic of Turkey history, Assist. Prof. Dr. Nuri added that while the Turkish nation were looking for freedom from the worsening conditions after the First World War, as a great leader, Mustafa Kemal come forward and by stepping foot in Samsun, he opened the path to “freedom”.

Elaborating that Atatürk stated his trust in youth in a number of his speeches, Nuri continued ‘“Youth! The youth undertaking the fulfillment of my future aspirations! I am happy and pleased that one day I will leave this country to the youth, who understands me like you’ with these words, he explains his trust in the Turkish youth”.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Nuri added that the 19th May in meaning is about the value attributed to youth, the opening of paths for youths and that the future will be paved by the young generation.