
A 4 trillion-dollar loss could be experienced in tourism globally, as a result of the absence of inclusive planning

Cyprus International University (CIU) School of Tourism and Hotel Management Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orhan Uludağ, stated that the tourism sector was negatively affected in the year 2020, due to the COVID-19 epidemic that was experienced across the world, with this negative effect continuing into the year 2021, and added that the messages that will be shared within the scope of 27th September, World Tourism Day, will be much more important.

Explaining that the World Tourism Organization (WTO) have declared the theme for this year as ‘Tourism for Inclusive Growth’, Uludağ went on to say, “Under this title, the issues that are being highlighted are in relation to the fact that the COVID-19 epidemic has had a great social and economic impact, with both developed and developing economies being hit, and unprepared sectors being extremely affected”.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uludağ expressed that the revival of tourism will assist in kick-starting recovery and growth, and continued to advise, “It is essential that the benefits of this should be enjoyed on a wide-scale and fairly”.

Uludağ reminded that in an effort to achieve responsible and sustainable tourism, the WTO has adopted an inclusive approach towards the global tourism sector, with the aim of guiding the tourism sector towards recovery and growth.

Within this context, Uludağ elaborated that it is very important that the future planning for every part of the sector be made, inclusive of communities, minorities, young people, and anyone at risk of being left behind under any circumstances, and went on to say, “In accordance to the calculations made, should these plans not be made, the impact of the pandemic upon tourism will result in more than 4 trillion-dollars upon the global economy, and according to the experts, it will take up until 2023 or even later, before we can return to the pre-pandemic level”.

Uludağ pointed out that these plans need to be shaped with action plans immediately, without any time being wasted, and concluded, “I am fully in the belief that with devoted efforts within every tourism branch, we will reach the old level. Within this context, I congratulate all tourism workers on this World Tourism Day”.