
The abroad working principles of professional practices in the occupation of Psychology, were examined at CIU

The event titled “Professional Practices in Psychology, Examples from Abroad” was organized by the Cyprus International University (CIU), Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology Event and Promotion Committee.

Taking place at the event as a speaker, Department of Psychology Chair Prof. Dr. Biran Mertan, Assist. Prof. Dr. N. Linda Fraim and Dr. Safir Maner, gave information to the students in relation to the subdomains Developmental Psychology, Health Psychology, and Neuropsychology.

Stating that in this country, when the word psychology is mentioned, only clinical psychology comes to mind and this needs to change, Prof. Dr. Mertan went on to say, “The moment a student takes a step, they have cliched information in relation to psychology. Psychology is not just clinical psychology”.

Providing information in relation to the historical development of Developmental Psychology, Mertan added that the common characteristic of the scientists who contributed to the science of psychology was that they were all very good at observation.

Prof. Dr. Mertan drew attention to the difficulties experienced in the works of developmental Psychology. Explaining that when he compared the studies that were carried out in France during his student years, where high-level scientific research was carried out at that time, with today's scientific studies, Mertan emphasized that in terms of today’s methods and tools, great developments had been made.

Advising that in previous years, video recordings were analyzed via second-by-second analysis, Mertan continued, “Today, via the means of electrodes, children's emotions and thoughts can be recorded in a very short amount of time. In this sense, science can very quickly obtain the data to be analyzed”.

In her speech, Assist. Prof. Dr. N. Linda Fraim gave information in relation to the fields of occupation of Psychology Department Undergraduate, Graduate, and Doctoral students in the USA, and advised that those who have graduated must be licensed.

Explaining that during the licensing process, detailed research is carried out and that criminal history is also examined, Fraim went on to state, “You cannot open your own clinic before you get a license, you may only work next to a licensed psychologist”.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Fraim expressed that during the process of education in the USA and after graduation, it is obligatory to receive supervision, and also shared information in relation to the examinations and the related fees in getting a license.

Referring to the establishment and the fields of work of the professional association the British Psychology Society (BPS) in the United Kingdom, Dr. Safir Manir continued, “For a long period of time they have represented a number of fields in psychology, they are an establishment that has a say in what the standards should be and in providing solutions to the problems experienced by individuals in this occupation”.

Speaking in relation to how you can obtain the title of a psychologist in England and the conditions in opening a clinic, Maner advised that Clinical Psychologists must obtain the Charter that is given by BPS, and that in the event they provide therapy without obtaining this title, they would be faced with very serious legal proceedings.