
AI helps restructure Tourism Industry

Cyprus International University (CIU) School of Tourism and Hotel Management Director Prof. Dr. Orhan Uludağ pointed out that artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize the tourism and hospitality industry, and thanks to AI applications, many businesses are preparing to improve the way they work and the overall customer experience.

Uludağ said that the most important breakthrough of artificial intelligence in the field of tourism is providing personalized services.  “Businesses can analyze large amounts of data to be used in customer preferences, behavior patterns and booking trends by using artificial intelligence algorithms. This makes it easier for businesses to present special offers to customers.”

Uludağ stated that artificial intelligence can be used in chatbots and virtual assistant applications which  have become an integral part of the industry by providing instant and efficient customer support.

Such smart systems can manage queries, provide information about destinations, make reservations and even help with route planning. Uludağ also added, “by automating routine tasks, artificial intelligence can be focused on providing exceptional service and meeting complex customer needs.”

Expressing that artificial intelligence can also increase operational efficiency in the tourism and hospitality industry, Uludağ said, “For example, we can analyze market trends, competitor data and historical booking models to optimize pricing strategies and maximize revenue with AI-supported revenue management systems.” 

Uludağ pointed out that artificial intelligence can also be used in improving safety and security in the sector, and that facial recognition technology and artificial intelligence-assisted surveillance systems facilitate security measures in hotels, airports and tourist attractions and thus provide a safer environment for tourists.

Emphasizing that artificial intelligence has the power to reshape the tourism and hospitality industry by personalizing services, facilitating operations and improving security measures, Uludağ said, “Adopting artificial intelligence technologies provides an environment for increased customer satisfaction, operational efficiency and ultimately a thriving tourism and hospitality industry.”