Health Sciences

Almost 15% of the world’s population is living with differing levels of disabilities

CIU Faculty of Health Sciences Dean Prof. Dr. Salih Angın, advising that almost 15% of the world population has differing levels of disabilities, went on to say, “The increase in chronic illnesses and aging population is increasing in direct proportion to the number of disabled people”.

Speaking within the scope of 3rd December International Day of Disabled Persons, Prof. Dr. Angın went on to state, “As a result of a hereditary or later developing decrease or loss in any physical or mental abilities, a disability is the inability of a normal person in personally completing any work that needs to be done by themselves, in their personal or social lives”.

Drawing attention to the fact that preventative approaches should be highlighted in an effort to prevent disabilities initially, Angın continued, "The 3rd of December is a day of awareness for important matters such as providing opportunities to improve the physical, intellectual, and mental health status of the disabled person, receiving education, obtaining a job, increasing their social participation rights and improving their legal rights".

Prof. Dr. Angın stated that as with the rest of the world, it is important that the disabled are integrated into the society in the TRNC also, and underlined that in order for the rights of disabled people to be provided “fully and on an equal basis with other people”, the necessary opportunities should be created.

Pointing to the importance of the society being by disabled individuals in relation to this matter, Angın said, “We should show great importance in making their lives easier”.

Angın emphasized that roads, pavements, public buildings, parks and gardens, schools, residences, transportation vehicles and many other physical environmental factors prove to be serious obstacles in disabled persons participation in society, and advised, “This situation further reinforces the limitations experienced by individuals with limited mobility”.

Pointing out to the importance of state politics being developed on this subject, Angın informed that preventions should be increased, that health services should be developed, and far more importance should be given to community education.

Discussing the need to change the perspective of the society, Angın advised that making the necessary architectural organizations in order to reduce transportation and access problems of disabled individuals, will in turn increase their productivity.

Highlighting the importance of the creation of awareness in the society for a world without disabilities, Angın concluded, “With the hope that our efforts are not limited to this one day for a world without disabilities, I hope that it will take over every moment of our lives”.