Assist. Prof. Dr. Kaya highlighted the relationship between public policy and human-machine interaction
Cyprus International University (CIU) School of Applied Sciences, Management Information Systems Department Academic Staff, Assist. Prof. Dr. Tuğberk Kaya, Prof. Dr. Mete Yıldız and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cenay Babaoğlu compiled the book "Technology and Public Policies”, where they wrote the chapter “Human Machine Interaction and Public Policies”. Stating that a book has been published on topics such as big data, artificial intelligence, gamification, smart cities, and autonomous systems, Kaya explained that the effect of the interaction between humans and machines upon public policies is examined in the "Human Machine Interaction and Public Policies" section of the book.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Kaya pointed out the importance of a healthy, effective and user-oriented human-machine interaction, and elaborated that in the past decision makers were only accessible during working hours, however now they could express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the application service they are receiving 24/7.
Emphasizing the importance of user satisfaction, Kaya went on to say, "It is not despite the user, and is of great importance to make user-friendly designs, in order to increase user satisfaction."
Stating that stakeholder participation and the terminology systems utilized play an important role in the effective use of services provided, Kaya stated that technology should be designed effectively, and relevant policies should be planned with a digital vision.
Indicating that with the continuously developing technology the citizen expectation has increased simultaneously, and therefore systems and applications put into service should be developed regularly, kaya explained that the big data and artificial intelligence-based public administration will provide an advantage in the field of problem detection and rapid solutions.
Reminding that as in every field, information and communication technologies are of great importance in Public Policy, Kaya said that it is necessary to design usable systems.
Stating that with the COVID-19 pandemic process, the importance of digital solutions and applications are increasing with each passing day, Assist. Prof. Dr. Kaya drew attention to the fact that “digitalization will become one of the most important leadership skills of the next years”.