
Assist. Prof. Dr. Turan Cavlan: “In international relations today, instead of preventing war and violence as much as possible, peace is used in postponing them”

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Academic Staff Assist. Prof. Dr. Turan Cavlan, speaking within the scope of 21st September World Peace Day, stated, "War is almost as old as human history, and that being the case, it can be said that peace is just as old".

Stating that the end of war is understood to be peace, and it is for this reason that we are moving further away from peace, Cavlan went on to say, “In international relations today, instead of preventing war and violence as much as possible, peace is used in postponing them; peace is actually viewed as the period between two wars".

Reminding that within the last century, humanity has witnessed two great wars, Assist. Prof. Dr. Cavlan continued, “The conflicts caused due to the interests of Europe and North American, who have dominated the world, has been the cause of the suffering of people within wide geography. Since 2001, World Peace Day has been celebrated on 21st September each year, to commemorate the end of the Second Great War.

Stating that these celebrations emphasize absolute peace, something that philosopher Immanuel Kant said was almost impossible to reach, Cavlan added that any steps in this direction were far from realizing peace.

Due to the fact that today there are no remarkable efforts to establish fair relations, to disarm, and to eliminate poverty and inequality, Assist. Prof. Dr. Cavlan advised that it is for this reason that the symbolic meaning of 21st September till now could not be overcome.

Emphasizing that the increasing production of weapons, conflicts of interest, international exploitation, reckless consumption of world resources, the destruction of nature, unequal development, and basic human needs not being met, are a display that today's world is further from peace in the truest sense of the word, more than ever before, Cavlan concluded "Peace requires equality and justice. I am with the hope that we can enjoy a 21st of September where these conditions are met".