
Bakırdan e-Journal on Women Migrants: a universal author-oriented perception

The recent issue of the literature, culture and art oriented electronic journal Bakırdan, published annually by the Department of Turkish Language and Literature of Cyprus International University (CIU), has been published online.

Aylanç stated that they include studies and research on current issues like culture, identity, creation and production, as well as top personalities on the axis of world and island literature. The current issue includes the works of academics well known for their studies, artists who have well-established themselves and also the works of new names in the area.

“Immigrant Women” is the theme of the recent issue. Within the scope of this concept, the journal includes discussions on how immigration affects women’s world reflected through academic and artistic works.  Aylanç said the interview they had with Müge İplikçi on “Immigrant Women” reflected a perspective from the stand point of authors. Among the works published are a book review of Prof. Dr. Fatos Silman’s  “Selections from Turkish Cinema-Film directors and their films;” stories by Alper Beşe, Emrah Öztürk, İlke Ergin, Ceyhan Özyıldız,

Feray Atamert, Ceran Boğaç, and Tüge Dağaşan; Salamis Ayşegül Şentuğ’s  translation of Virginia Woolf; poetry by Mehmet Kansu, Elif Sofya, Zeki Ali, Tamer Öncül, Aydın Afacan, Aliye Ummanel, Emel Kaya, Semen Gökel, Tuğçe Tekhanlı, Fatoş Avcısoyu Ruso, Fatma Akilhoca, Ali Taş, Nafia Akdeniz, Fatih Yalıner, Ahmet Uçar, Tuğçe Aktaş, Erdinç Şimşek, Ahmet Duyar, Berkay Çınarlı; and last but not least poetry translations of Ana Pérez Cañamares.

Aylanç also pointed out that they published an extensive art biography and an original work by painter Nilgün Güney. On the cover page, to present visual reading, they used the flyer for Aliye Ummanelin’s play “House,”Shamsia Hassani’s graffiti and Nafia Akdeniz’s symbolic house photos.

To conclude, Aylanç added that they finished the interview with Cypriot story writers Salamis Ayşegül Şentuğ, Dervişe Güneyyeli Kutlu, Ceyhan Özyıldız and Tutku Tuğyan on “The story of my story. ”The journal is available for the perusal of the readers on  the University Webpage.