
Benefits of Exercise for Seniors and Aging Adults

Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şükrü Rona from the School of Physical Education and Sports of Cyprus International University (CIU) stated that the aging process inevitably brings with it a series of physical, mental and social changes, and said, “This is a period when health-related problems arise and physical activity gains importance.”

Stating that geriatrics is a term that refers to individuals aged 65 and over, Rona said that the quality of life of individuals begin to decrease in the geriatric period, and some symptoms that cannot be defined as a disease emerge during this period, and added, “Urinary tract problems, obesity, nutritional problems, sleep problems, multiple Mental health problems such as drug use, wasting or thinning  of muscle mass, decreased bone density, balance problems, cardiovascular diseases and dementia are the most common symptoms in advanced ages.”

Rona pointed out that these problems limit the independence of individuals, and shared the information that the World Health Organization recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week for individuals aged 65 and over.

Noting that regular physical activity helps preserve muscle mass, increase bone density and improve balance, Rona underlined that this reduces the risk of falling and helps maintain an independent lifestyle.

Aerobic exercises support heart health and strengthen the circulatory system, and they also reduce the risk of some chronic diseases in old age.

Rona also pointed out that such sports activities are also important in terms of protecting mental health, adding "With regular exercise, memory functions can be increased, the risk of dementia can be reduced and depression can be prevented."

In terms of socialization,  Rona stated that sports and exercise are also beneficial, and “It offers individuals the opportunity to be part of the community. Group exercises increase social interaction, strengthen bonds between people and prevent social isolation of older individuals.”

Rona emphasized that the aging process is inevitable, but this period can be spent in a healthy way with  regular exercise and sports as these are effective tools that support the physical, mental and social health of elderly individuals. Therefore, staying active in old age and making regular physical activity a part of the lifestyle is the key to longevity and healthy life.