
Benefits of games and music during babyhood, and preschool education for a healthy development

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Education Department of Basic Education organized a seminar on “Education in infancy from different perspectives”.

The seminar was held in CIU Çevik Uraz Center Conference Hall. Prof. Dr. Çağla Gür, Assist. Prof. Dr. Razge Sıla Zorba and Specialist Clinical Psychologist Şahin Karasalih discussed the infancy period under three different headings as that is when the baby’s development is the fastest.

CIU Faculty of Education faculty member Prof. Dr. Çağla Gür pointed out that games have a developing power in infancy and added babies start learning by playing games and develop themselves with playful  movements. Games not only help form the motor skills but also shape the brain structure during a child’s development process. Gür noted that nerve cells form new connections with every new learning activity and experience, adding the more these cells  are used the more they develop.

Prof. Dr. Gür emphasized that the games played by children since infancy are the biggest factor in the learning process. “Play is a way of  receiving affection, and affection is the source for communicating,” said Gür. There are times when parents do not know how to play with their children or  come up with ideas for new games. For children everything is a game. When your child hides and you find him, that’s a game;  shake a bottle full of water, and imitate the sound it makes, that’s a game; even imitating the sounds animals make, well that’s a game. All activities can be turned into games.

Faculty member Assist. Prof. Dr. Razge Sıla Zorba talked about how music can be used as an educational tool in infancy. A musical activity that uses sounds produced by various instruments may help discover a child’s musical talent, it will develop his musical awareness through sounds and movements, and also will help create aesthetic feelings.

Singing is one of the best activities that children can do either individually or in groups. While singing, a child will find the opportunity to express his own feelings and thoughts with the lyrics and musical chords.

Zorba also stated that while listening to music, children learn how to keep quiet, wait patiently, and also learn how to focus on what’s being played.  “When we look at how music affects  emotional and social development, it is observed that group music improves their sense of belonging,  helps acquire the habit of living together, and finally their ability to communicate effectively,” Zorba concluded.

Specialist  Clinical Psychologist Şahin Karasalih said that when we look at the parents’ point of view regarding the period of infancy, we can see parents have expectations from educational institutions and educators. Preschool education, that includes 0-6 year olds, is very important for the growth of a healthy mindset and will also improve their skills.

Karasalih pointed out that preschool education improves children’s growth and  motivation to learn, and also preschool helps children socialize, gain self-confidence, and also supports their development while preparing them for elementary school.