A book on “Morality and Ethics in Education”
The book titled "Morality and Ethics in Education” was published under the editorship of Prof. Dr. Fatoş Silman, Head of the Department of Educational Sciences and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şükrü Ada.

Prof. Dr. Silman stated that there are 11 chapters in the book and that the book is a product of the joint efforts of field scientists from various universities. Silman expressed that the book was prepared on the basis of the general principles of Turkish National Education, and added that the characteristics of being a good person, a good citizen, contributing to the training of professional individuals who can meet the needs of the people under his/her responsibility complying with the ethical and moral rules were among the aims of the book.
It was underlined that in the aforementioned book, basic concepts and theories related to morality and ethics, business and professional ethics, the right for education and learning and ethical principles related to teaching, ethical principles in teachers' relations with stakeholders, professional competencies related to teaching, culture and values, and morality and ethical values in school were covered.
In the book titled Morality and Ethics in Education, Silman noted that the emphasis was placed on the concept of good and “the concept of being good can be expressed as complying with the environment and society, being aware of the values, being fruitful to oneself and the society, having the desire and competence to produce, being sensitive and tolerant to the environment. This rhetoric emphasizes the concepts of morality and ethics in the education of children and youth and the behavior of teachers and school administrators”.