
Cancer continues to rank among the topmost fatal diseases across the world

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Medicine Academic Staff Prof. Dr. Barlas N. Aytaçoğlu, drawing attention to the 2020 reports made by the World Health Organization, noted that "Among the non-communicable diseases, Cardiovascular diseases, Cancer, Diabetes and due to the complications they bring; Chronic Respiratory System diseases, continue to rank top of the lists as the most lethal diseases".

Stating that they are informed in relation to the accelerating factors in a significant part of the cardiovascular system diseases and Chronic Lung diseases, Aytaçoğlu went on to advise, "However, today, there are still contradictions in the relations between cause and effect in cancers especially, and thus serious failures continue despite much progress in treatments".

Drawing attention to the fact that cancer is a lethal disease if it is treated late and advising that it does not discriminate with age, Prof. Dr. Aytaçoğlu elaborated, "Other than hair and nail tissue, this disease can originate from any other tissue in our body, and it is seriously fatal for those with a family history in comparison to the normal population".

Advising that the most important treatment in cancers is not to get struck with cancer at all, Aytaçoğlu noted that hygiene when it comes to food and clothing, and from our living environment to the air we breathe, is important.

Pointing out the necessity of staying away from harmful habits such as cigarettes, tobacco, and alcohol, Barlas Aytaçoğlu went on to state that having a healthy lifestyle while staying away from stress, are the most important measures to be taken in the prevention of cancer.

Early detection is important in treatment
Drawing attention to the importance of not defaulting in medical check-ups, Aytaçoğlu said, "In today's examination and treatment processes, the sooner cancer is diagnosed, the sooner it can be treated, in order to prolong life or provide a full recovery".

Informing that each passing day of delay in detection is a foundation for the growth and spread of cancer, Prof. Dr. Aytaçoğlu noted that the treatments that can be administered and the benefits that can be derived from these decreases.

Speaking in relation to the process after a cancer diagnosis, Aytaçoğlu concluded, “It is important to start the treatment as soon as possible, completely applying all the treatment protocols and to fight without losing hope. Winning the war is only possible with struggle".