Check-up is important in diagnosing diseases and taking precautions
Prof. Dr. Güldal Mehmetçik, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Cyprus International University (CIU) stated that even if the person does not have any illness, it is important to have to check-up regularly after the age of 35 and to identify problems that may lead to illness in the future and to take preventive measures.

Mehmetçik stated that modern medicine aims to keep the person healthy by taking the necessary precautions before the disease occurs: “For this reason, even if there are no complaints, each individual should go to the doctor at certain intervals and undergo a general health check”.
It was explained that the check-up programs are carried out primarily by looking at the age and genetic characteristics of the person, lifestyle, past health history, so it changes according to the individual.
"Check-up programs should be done at five-year intervals until the age of 30 if cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure are measured once in their 20s and the values are found normal", said Mehmetçik.
The importance of doing it every three years between the ages of 30-40 was highlighted and it was underlined that health checks need to be done annually after the age of 40. It is possible to diagnose breast, cervical, prostate and large intestine cancers early when a check-up is done once a year. “Many early and accurate diagnoses such as coronary artery diseases, cancer, hypertension, which are the diseases of our age, are extremely important in terms of a lifetime and quality,” said Mehmetçik.
She added that early diagnosis is important in diseases such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes, which can stay steady for years without any symptoms or discomfort for the patient while damaging vital organs such as the brain, heart, and kidneys.
Mehmetçik reminded that all the records and results should be filed by the patient: "The physician should check them and compare the patient's condition with the previous examinations".