Child protection policy is a must!
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Education, Guidance and Psychological Counseling Program Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr. Bengü Berkmen, referring to a statement made by the World Health Organization, stated that in the last year, 23% of children were abused physically, 36% emotionally, 26% sexually and 16% negligently, and stated that it was an important and common problem, and that child abuse affects public health all over the world.

Berkmen stated that this problem is widespread and noted that the biggest obstacle in solving it, is the lack of accepting the existence of child abuse or not knowing how to behave in such situations.
Assist. Prof . Dr. Berkmen, stated that in our country, comprehensive steps should be taken in many areas to prevent child abuse in our country, and went on to say, "The first of these is the creation of the Child Protection Policy, which has not yet been developed in our country, and it needs to be done as soon as possible, updating the laws in this direction".
Three-stage ...
Stating that a three-stage study should be done as the second step in the prevention of the problem, Berkmen said that it is important to implement prevention programs that will increase the knowledge and awareness levels of both children and adults.
Berkmen stated that the first stage prevention effort includes work in all segments of the society, prior to any abuse or any risk of abuse, and noted that the aim of these efforts is to increase the knowledge and awareness levels of individuals, and to eliminate risk-creating factors from the beginning.
Stating that the secondary level studies are efforts to reduce or eliminate the risk in situations that pose potential risks, Berkmen emphasized that the target of these efforts are children at risk of maltreatment and families with risk factor.
Berkmen stated that third level prevention activities are carried out to reduce the negative situations experienced by people who are abused / mistreated, and to prevent the repetition of further abuse, and stated that such prevention activities include rehabilitation after abuse, removing the abuser, and reducing negativities in the child's health and social life.
Drawing attention to the systematic implementation of all these efforts, Berkmen said, “The fact that both children and all of those occupational groups that are in contact with children, especially parents, have gained knowledge and awareness on this issue, plays an important role in preventing child abuse”.