Children are our common future
Cyprus International University (CIU), Department of Basic Education, Academic Staff Assist. Prof. Dr. Elif Bozcan stated that children are our most important factor in world peace and went on to say; “for the world to be a more beautiful place, it is necessary for children to grow up well, to be healthy and peaceful, and to live in security.”

Reminding that the first Monday of October is celebrated as World Children's Day in all of United Nations Organization member states, Bozcan said that the day in question was accepted after the World Conference for the Welfare of Children, which was held in Geneva in 1925, with the participation of 54 countries.
Most sacred assets
Drawing attention to the problems of child deaths, child labor, child brides, asylum seeker and refugee children, children exposed to violence and many more, Bozcan underlined that the protection, care and elimination of the victimization of children, who are the guarantors of the future, can be achieved by taking measures in this direction.
Stating that the happiness of humanity and the future of the world is possible with the protection of children and their growing up in loving environments, Bozcan said, “For this reason, it should be the common desire of all societies that all children are happy and healthy wherever they are in the world. All initiatives and steps to be taken in this direction should be supported and expanded.”
Stating that children are internationally our most sacred assets, Bozcan elaborated that all children across the world should have the right to equal health, living standards, education and shelter.