Children’s rights are universal rights
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Education academic staff, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çağla Gür stated that the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 20th November 1989, is celebrated as each year on 20th November as "World Children's Rights Day”. Gür stated, “regardless of their race, religion, language, geography, social status and location, all children have from birth the right to education, health, living and shelter; a universal right that covers all rights such as protection against physical, psychological or sexual exploitation”.

Expressing that having a certain day in relation to children's rights contributes to raising awareness, Gür also reminded that a dry celebration only is not meaningful. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gür noted that these rights are the inherent rights of every child in the world, and went on to say, "It should not be seen as a blessing for these rights to be presented, it should be made aware that it is a right.”
The progress made on children's rights is not sufficient
Noting that serious studies have been carried out in international literature in relation to children's rights, Gür said, “There are efforts and experiences. However, the progress is not sufficient”.
In this context, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gür emphasized the importance of the works to be carried out. Gür continued by stating “what would be particularly beneficial would be awareness-raising activities for children's rights, projects and programs aimed at improving the qualifications of parents and teachers, educational projects aimed at raising and improving the society to be carried out in cooperation with universities, state institutions, non-governmental organizations or various institutions and organizations, or voluntary work carried out within the framework of a certain plan and program.
Emphasizing the necessity of creating a conscious society, Gür used the expression “a conscious society means children with smiling faces”