Fine Arts

CIU 8th Graphic Design Exhibition Opened

Department of Graphic Design of Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture (FFADA) held the 8th  Graphic Design Student Exhibition at Nicosia Atatürk Cultural Center.

CIU Rector Prof. Dr. Halil Nadiri, at the opening of the 8th Graphic Design Exhibition, expressed his pleasure in attending the opening ceremony and said, "The works of our students are of great importance in terms of showing what they have learned in classes and where they stand in terms of their profession.” Nadiri pointed out that graphic design is a field the importance of which is increasing day after day, and also added that the demand for careers in this field are increasing day by day and there is a need for well-trained and talented people in this field. Noting that 130 different works of 60 students from 18 different countries took part in the event, he said, "I congratulate them for their successful work on behalf of both myself and my university." In his speech, Nadiri also congratulated all graphic design students, academics and artists working in this field on the occasion of the International Design Day which is celebrated on the 60th  anniversary of the establishment of International Design Council (ICO-D). 

Dean of FFADA Prof. Dr. Cemil Atakara said that graphic design is a more comprehensive process than creating something visually appealing, adding that graphic design is actually telling a story as well as evoking emotion and conveying a message. Expressing that while exploring different works, it is necessary to take time to appreciate the thought and effort put forth in each piece, Atakara said, “It takes a lot of skill and effort to make a remarkable work. I am sure you will find many examples of this here today.”

Elif Söngür Dağ, Chairperson of the Department of Graphic Design, stated that they opened this exhibition on the occasion of April 27th (ICO-D), a very important date for designers. She also reminded that it was 60 years ago on this day that International Design Council (ICO-D), was founded and that they are a member of this council. She reminded that the student works in the exhibition go through different stages during the education process, and also noted  that the works included many different fields such as graphic design projects, photography, graphics, illustration, printing, painting and typography.