CIU Academician Assist. Prof. Dr. Arkut publishes E-book titled Bacterial Biofilms as joint editor
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Health Sciences Vice Dean Assist. Prof. Dr. Afet Arkut and Assist. Prof. Dr. Melis Sümengen Özdenefe together co-edited the e-book called "Bacterial Biofilms" edited by Prof. Dr. Sadık Dinçer, published in IntechOpen.

Stating that the book serves as a guide for clinicians and researchers in the fields of microbiology, ecology and medicine, as well as industrial professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, Arkut also stated that the book can be accessed at
Asst. Prof. Dr. Arkut noted that the e-book Bacterial Biofilms consists of four chapters, and that these chapters are determined as biofilms in the wastewater treatment plant, prevention of biofilm formation, biofilms and infections, and ecology of biofilms.
Biofilm microorganizms
Pointing out that biofilm microorganisms are common in nature, Arkut noted that they are a microbial life form, formed after they irreversibly attach to a living or non-living interface through the organic exopolysaccharide structures they produce.
Arkut explained that microorganisms form biofilms in order to be protected from the harmful effects of the environment, to obtain nutrients, and to acquire new genetic features, and that Biofilm formation is not a random event, it is the result of the signals they give to each other by using small dispersible molecules to coordinate the activities of many microorganisms.
Arkut reminded that biofilms cause economic losses due to their negative effects in many areas, especially in health and food, in an effort to control and prevent this, mechanical cleaning, use of biofilm preventing biolfilm development, preventing microbial adhesions, supporting biomass extraction, in addition to these, new methods such as enzymes, detergents, ultrasound and electricity are also used.
Arkut pointed out that biofilm threatens public health when not tackled in the field of health and industry, and said, "It is a very serious problem that can cause great losses for the industry."