Health Sciences

CIU Academician, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayhan Dağ, drew attention to the importance of a balanced diet during the summer months

CIU Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Chair Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayhan Dağ, stating that with the summer months and the rise in temperature, there is an increase in body heat also, and he drew attention to the importance of having a balanced diet in order to protect and develop your health during the summer months.

Explaining that with the increase in temperatures, we experience loss of water and minerals, Dağ went on to say, “With this, health problems develop. In particular, those with chronic illnesses, people aged 65 and over, small children and pregnant females, are effected more by the change in temperature”.

Emphasizing the five food groups suitable to meet the needs of individuals during the summer months, Dağ continued, "It is important to consume vegetables, fruits, milk and milk products, cereals, meat, and meat group foods (legumes, chicken, fish, oil seeds), sufficiently".

Reminding that the most important meal of the day is breakfast, Dağ said “Breakfast should include low fat cheeses, olives, and fresh vegetables, and in the place of caffein drinks, freshly squeezed fruit juices, rosehip or lime tree tea should be preferred”.

Advising that we should refrain from eating oily foods and fried foods, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dağ further advised, “You should not use vegetable oils in your foods, when preparing your meals, you should either boil them in water, grill them, cook them in their own water or in a low amount of water, which are all healthier ways of cooking them”.

Pointing to the importance of consuming all varieties of fruit and vegetables in order to obtain the sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, Dağ said that it is necessary that at least 5 potions of fruit and vegetables are consumed every day.

Instead of pure sugar and sugary foods, which are simple carbohydrates, and which rapidly increase or decrease blood sugar, Dağ stated that we should consume foods rich in fiber, such as whole wheat bread, pasta, bulgur and went on to state, “Instead of dumplings with high energy syrup, we should prefer to eat milky desserts, fruit desserts, and ice cream”.

Stating that in order to prevent loss of fluids and minerals, which the loss of increases due to sweating, it is important to increase fluid intake, Dağ advised that for this reason, every day 2-2.5 liters of water should be consumed.

Drawing attention to food poisoning, Dağ concluded, "Consumption of foods sold in the open should be avoided, perishable, foods that are potentially risky (meat, eggs, milk, fish, etc.) should not be kept at room temperature, and hygiene rules should be observed during the preparation and cooking processes of food”.