
CIU Academician pointed to the importance of state controlled maritime activities

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Engineering Academic Staff Prof. Dr. Rana Kıdak, speaking within the scope of the Maritime and Cabotage Day, stated that throughout history, maritime activities had a great role in a state’s world domination, and that the civilizations that were advanced in maritime had constantly rising levels of society.

Noting that the Turks, whether in Turkey or on the island of Cyprus, were very active in the area of maritime, Kıdak went on to say, “We understand the importance of this once again each year when we celebrate 1st July, Maritime and Cabotage Day”.

Stating that the word cabotage means a country’s right to operate ships in its own territorial waters, between its own ports, and to have under its own control a variety of port services, Prof. Dr. Kıdak added, “Due to the capitulation rights that were granted to western countries during the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman Empire did not have the right to cabotage. With the Treaty of Lausanne signed on 24th July 1923, Turkey then gained the right to cabotage”.

Adding that as an island state, the TRNC uses their own rights with relation to their shores and seas for all trade and tourism activities, Kıdak expressed that due to this, the TRNC has been able to develop its economic and social life.

Talking with relation to the current issue of the hydrocarbon deposits in the Eastern Mediterranean, Prof. Dr. Kıdak highlighted that both issues of maritime and cabotage and maritime continental land dominance, gained importance.

Pointing out to the importance of adopting an understanding in protection of the sea life in our seas and observation of the water quality, Kıdak emphasized the necessity of initiatives in this area that highlights the rights and responsibilities of our nation.