
CIU bids farewell to the 2023-24 Spring Term graduates

Graduation Ceremony was held on Tuesday June 25th 2024 that marked the ending of the 2023-2024 Academic Year of Cyprus International University. The graduation ceremony was held at the CIU Open Air Performing Arts Center (Amphitheater) where a total of 1512 students graduating from associate degree, four-year degree, master’s and doctoral programs experienced the joy and excitement of receiving their diplomas. 
TRNC President Ersin Tatar, President of the National Assembly Zorlu Töre, Member of Parliament Ali İnci representing Sakarya district from the Republic of Turkiye,  President of the Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation and Coordination  Council (YÖDAK) Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın, President of the CIU Board of Trustees  Mete Boyacı, CIU Rector Prof. Dr. Halil Nadiri, Vice-Rectors, Faculty members, graduating students and their families attended the ceremony.  
In his speech, President Tatar congratulated the young graduates and stated that pursuit of scientific knowledge will never end and that it is important for young people to continue to improve themselves. Stating that they expect the graduates to serve the future of both their own country and humanity, Tatar wished the graduating students success in their new journey. Tatar also gave advice to them noting that it is important to be reliable and stand behind their promises especially in their relations with the society.
President of the National Assembly Töre congratulated the graduating students at the opening and expressed his satisfaction in sharing the happiness of the graduating class. Töre stated that CIU organized a magnificent ceremony but that it was impossible to out into oblivion the mass killings in Gaza. 
In his speech, YÖDAK President Hoca stated that the field of higher education in the TRNC is a great success story and that it took great effort to establish universities and during this process which is in fact ongoing, great difficulties have been encountered during these past 40 years. Stating that despite the lack of political recognition, universities strive to provide quality education, Hoca pointed out that there are still some problems but it is important to eliminate these problems within this cycle of continuous improvement.
CIU Rector Nadiri also noted that 1512 students from 56 different countries will be graduating making the total number of graduates 27 thousand. Nadiri pointed out that CIU has been providing education for 27 years without compromising on quality and said that their aim is to raise individuals who can compete with the world and are experts in their fields. Emphasizing the need to invest in quality in order to compete and be successful in the field of higher education, Nadiri said, "With our infrastructure and superstructure, which we are constantly trying to improve, and with the well-established research centers, we offer opportunities for both our students and academics to conduct qualified scientific research."
MP İnci representing the Sakarya district at the Turkish Grand National Assembly congratulated the graduating students in his speech and expressed his satisfaction in being at CIU. Stating that he observed that CIU is a university that hosts students from more than 100 countries, İnci said, "You have gathered the world in Cyprus." Drawing attention to the events in Palestine in his speech, İnci stated that the whole world was protesting, but Netanyahu has been insistent on doing things his way.  
CIU Graduation Ceremony ended with the presentation of diplomas and rewards, the cap throwing ceremony and group photo shoots.