
The CIU Department of Classroom Teaching students organized a Mathematics Festival at Haspolat Primary School

The CIU Faculty of Education Department of Classroom Teaching organized a “Mathematics Festival” in cooperation with the Haspolat Primary School.

The event coordinated by the CIU Basic Education Department Chair, Assist. Prof. Dr. Sarem Özdemir and organized by the Classroom Teaching Department third grade students, saw mathematics being taught to first grade primary students via games.

At the event that was organized for fifty-six 1st grade students at the Haspolat Primary School, when it came to the preparation of the materials, the children’s safety was forefront.

Stating that the games used during the festival were prepared in accordance to the children’s mental, sensory and psychomotor development areas, Assist. Prof. Dr. Özdemir explained that root values ​​such as respect, patience, love, and cooperation were emphasized during the practicing of the games.

Özdemir advised that in order for children to love and show an interest in mathematics, they must love it beginning from the pre-school period, and continued, "This can be made possible via the means of playing games that the children see as their most favorite ‘work’”.

Drawing attention to the fact that the student’s education program has a very heavy curriculum load, Özdemir went on to say, "The right to play, which is a need of children, is second priority, even if partially, due to the intense program that needs to be followed".

Explaining that the main purpose of the mathematics festival that was organized was to ensure that children understood that mathematics is a fun and enjoyable lesson, Özdemir elaborated, "With this activity, our candidate teachers also had the chance to practice the theoretical information they learned in the classroom, by coming together with the children".

Advising that as the Cyprus International University Department of Basic Education, they aim to gradually increase this form of activities with the awareness of serving the society, Özdemir concluded, "As a university, we will both academically and socially always support our primary and secondary schools".