
CIU Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts is continuing to grow

Cyprus International University, School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts is not only making a lot of difference in education but also rapidly growing. Students will continue their education in the new gastronomy  laboratory during the 2021-2022 Academic Year Spring Semester.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Orhan Uludağ, the Director of the School of Tourism and Hotel Management, said the number of students the department is recruiting is on the rise year after year,  and as a result they have a high volume  of work. Dr. Uludağ also added the new gastronomy laboratory construction is underway and will be at the service of the students, shortly.

Uludağ also emphasized that students who receive an  education in culinary arts have to improve their practical skills, and to that end the department needed more laboratories. Uludag said their aim was not only to give education at world standards  but also to contribute, broadly speaking, to the tourism sector and specifically to gastronomy.

Dr. Uludağ indicated that in order to produce individuals very proficient in their field, new investments should be made into gastronomy education. As they have increased the capacity of the gastronomy laboratory,  they will be able to offer more opportunities to the students and hence raise the standard of the education students receive.

The new gastronomy laboratory is very different compared to the other gastronomy laboratories. The new Laboratory is equipped with modern  professional kitchen appliances and especially having  an island style kitchen design, makes it stand out among others. Uludağ said this style makes the kitchen very easy to use and also utterly practical adding it provides lots of storage space  apart from having an aesthetic advantage and wide work space.  Since this style laboratory has large work space and the cooking area is in the middle section,   instructors can work along with the students during practice sessions.  This in fact helps students learn team work which is the essence of the kitchen.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uludağ said it was essential students gained experience in a variety of different  kitchen structures  as this would help them be fully equipped with all the knowledge and experience prior to graduation.

In closing, Dr. Uludağ said  the gastronomy laboratory had 10 work stations which enabled 20 students to learn and practice together.