
The CIU Department of Public Relations and Advertising students presented their work to representatives of the industry

Within the world we live in today, where businesses have accelerated their work and efforts in the form of digitalization, due to the pandemic that has been experienced all over the world, it has become more important than ever before to deliver the right message, to the right target audience, at the right time. Within the scope of the Media Planning course, included within the curriculum of the Cyprus International University (CIU) Department of Public Relations and Advertising, students presented their prepared media plans in relation to products and services of their interest, to representatives of the sector, thus receiving evaluations of experts from within the field.

The course which is provided by the CIU Department of Public Relations and Advertising academic staff Assist. Prof. Dr. Galip E. Erdil, combining the theoretical knowledge that the students obtained during the course with practical work, creative ideas are encouraged to come out.

Explaining that each year they try to reach different companies that run media-advertising operations, Erdil noted that the students presented their projects that they individually prepared, to experts from the sector, and that in this way, while gaining some self-confidence, they also acquired some knowledge in relation to the expectations of the sector.

Advising that these types of interactions are good experiences for the students, Assist. Prof. Dr. Erdil noted that for the employers, it is an opportunity to obtain new ideas and evaluate them.

Erdil expressed that the students can work upon the company or product of their desire from the product or service sector, that they are completely free in their choices, and that the only condition is that they need to produce a new and usable idea.

Stating that during this process, the students at the same time met with CIU graduate and Media House Director Onur Çakırsoy, Assist. Prof. Dr. Erdil advised that the students presented their work that they prepared on the subject of media planning to Çakırsoy and team member Faiz Camgöz and received feedback on their work.

Erdil explained that as planned, the projects that were prepared by the students facilitated in the sharing of ideas, and also stated that Media house team member Faiz Camgöz, responsible for external relations, evaluated the students' work as original and creative works.

Media House team member Camgöz pointed to the fact that these forms of activities should be increased, while the students expressed that being evaluated by the sector representatives was very exciting for them and that they enjoyed it.