
CIU discusses Funded Development Campaigns within Non-Governmental Organizations

CIU Faculty of Communication, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, held an event in order to raise awareness in relation to fundraising efforts, which could be the solution to the economic difficulties that is being felt in all areas due to the economic crisis.

During the online event, Kemal Saraçoğlu Children with Leukemia and Fight Against Cancer Foundation Coordinator Servet Özeralp shared information in relation to, “Funding Development Campaigns within Non-Governmental Organizations”.

Speaking at the opening of the event, CIU Public Relations and Advertising Department Chair, Assist. Prof. Dr. Bahar Taşeli, advising that the Kemal Saraçoğlu Foundation for Children with Leukemia and Fight Against Cancer is an important non-governmental organization, went on to say, "We are aware that it is a foundation which makes great contributions to the families and children that are suffering from this disease".

Pointing to the importance of fund development efforts in terms of keeping the foundation alive, Assist. Prof. Dr. Taşeli emphasized that in order for the continuation of the foundation’s social contributions, such fund development projects should be given importance.

Providing general information in relation to the foundation, Coordinator of the Kemal Saraçoğlu Foundation for Children with Leukemia and Fight Against Cancer, Servet Özeralp, stated that the foundation was established in an effort to contribute to the children and families of cancer patients aged 0-21 years, producing financial and moral solutions to the problems they experience.

Özeralp drew attention to the importance of fundraising and social responsibility projects within non-governmental organizations, and went on to say, "One of the projects of great importance with relation to fund development was the '50+ Auction' project organized in 2015. Organized via the contributions of many volunteers, the aim of the project, was to ensure that the Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Service has its interior furnishings arranged to world standards, so that the children in receipt of treatment there do so under better conditions”.

Advising that within the scope of fundraising, the foundation offers different income increasing products for sale, Özeralp noted that they regularly attempt to increase the range of these products, and that in the eyes of the donors, the foundation's products are now like a brand.

Özeralp explained that the foundation produces different types of cards, masks, thermos, notepads, and glasses for special days, and with differing designs, and went on to state, "Our entire aim is to help children more, by increasing the foundation funds".

Noting that the projects of the Kemal Saraçoğlu foundation are continuing, Özeralp concluded that the income of the foundation increases via the events organized by the volunteers.