
CIU Drug Information Center begins free of charge service to public

Cyprus International University Drug Information Center (CIU/DIC) has begun working, providing a service in both the Turkish and English languages, expert staff, and a 24/7 Tele-Health service.

CIU Drug Information Center Coordinator, Pharmacist Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sami Boşnak, drew attention to the fact that the service in question was not only for students of CIU, and advised that any health professionals that wish to get information in relation to this subject or any of the public that wishes to benefit from this service, can do so free of charge.

Explaining that drugs will always be a part of our lives, Boşnak went on to advise, “Humans have a fragile nature. From the moment of birth, they have to fight the factors of disease. While in the past, we treated ourselves with herbal and animal products that we noticed had effects that we found in our environments, today our war continues with advanced technological products”.

Advising that the center will be able to provide all forms of drug related information, Assist. Prof. Dr. Boşnak continued, “By calling the center, we can provide information from questions such as ‘may I have this tablet by breaking it into large pieces’ to questions such as ‘according to the liver function test results, what should the mixture be for the patients' intravenous nutrition solution, that is to be prepared as emulsion?

Pointing to the unbelievable variety of drugs, as well as many varieties of drug ingredients and production techniques, and the complexity of drug-drug, drug-food interactions, Boşnak stated that a professional consultancy service is required for this issue, that ranges from the public to health professionals.

Explaining that Drug Information Centers are established in the world to meet this need, Boşnak stated that these centers are a necessity, so that all stakeholders, from the prescriber to the user, and to the very last user; the patient, can access professional, impartial, and up-to-date information.

Noting that these centers have clinical pharmacists that specialize in drug counseling, Boşnak informed that data banks are also utilized where at any time, up-to-date and scientific information sources can be accessed.

Elaborating that it is possible to reach CIU/DIC services via the address and the tab https:///, Boşnak added that it is possible to ask all forms of questions in relation to drugs to the experts.