
CIU Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is ready for the new semester

The Departments of Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, and Political Sciences and International Relations, at the Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, with their Foundation for International Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) Accreditation they have obtained, are ready for the 2021-2022 Academic Year.

CIU Economics and Administrative Sciences Dean Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yeşiltaş stated that as well as the three departments that are active within the faculty, under the Department of Business Administration there are the Digital media and Marketing, and Economy Programs, and under the Political Science and International Relations Department there is the International Relations Program.

Noting that they present an educational environment where the students can adapt to the changing and developing conditions of the time, while finding the opportunity to develop themselves in theoretical and practical areas, Yeşiltaş went on to say, “Within our faculty we provide education with an experienced team, who’s academic backgrounds are strong, who’s publications have been cited, whose h-index is high on Google Academy, while at the same time has experience in the sector. Additionally, due to the fact that our students have the advantage of receiving their education in the English language, they will begin their working life after graduation one step ahead”.

Explaining that within the Finance laboratories, students are given theoretical and practical information in relation to the functioning of money, capital, and commodity markets, Prof. Dr. Yeşiltaş continued, “As well as theoretical knowledge, thanks to our finance laboratory, our students learn how the stock, bond, commodity, foreign exchange, and derivative markets work in practice, and how investments are made with these tools using real market data within a virtual environment. By gaining experience in investment and portfolio management, unlike other university graduates, this situation allows our graduates to have a special capability.

Giving information in relation to the employment opportunities of the graduates, Yeşiltaş advised, “Our Business Administration graduates can find themselves in a number of functions, such as production, marketing, finance, human resources, accounting, research development, and public relations”.

Yeşiltaş noted that graduates who wish to pursue a career in finance have the opportunity to be employed as finance specialists in companies' finance departments or in financial institutions, and as brokers, dealers, or as investment specialists in brokerage firms operating within the stock market, and that those who graduate from the field of international relations can get the opportunity in operating at local, regional, and global levels at private and public institutions.