
The CIU Faculty of Medicine is awaiting future doctors

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Medicine Dean,Prof. Dr. Güldal Mehmetçik, noted that the faculties that have been established in order to bring a new and different view to medical education, conduct their education in English.

Explaining that the faculty has 3 main departments, Mehmetçik continued to say, “Within our faculty we have Basic Medical Sciences, Surgical Medical Sciences, and Internal Medical Sciences”.

Stating that an integrated training system is applied at their faculty, Prof. Dr. Mehmetçik continued, “During the first two years that are named as semester 1 and semester 2, we provide the basic knowledge. Different from other medical faculties and conventional medical education, from their first years the CIU Faculty of Medicine students begin to prepare for their clinical education, by taking the 'Early Clinical Observations' course during the first two years”.

Mehmetçik stated that in addition to this, within the scope of ‘study module’ courses provided from the first year of medical education, the students are directed to scientific research, and advised, "Due to this, it is ensured that they have the infrastructure for designing and carrying out scientific projects".

Advising that the third year that is named semester 3, is the introduction to the clinic semester, Mehmetçik added that the systems that have been explained during the first two years are integrated with diseases and presented to the student.

Noting that the 4th, 5th, and 6th years of the CIU Faculty of Medicine are carried out at the Başkent University and the Adana Dr. Turgut Noyan Application and Research Center, Mehmetçik stated that semesters 4 and 5 consist of internships in getting acquainted with the clinic.

Providing the information that during the internships, as well as theoretical courses, bedside training, clinical visits, patient preparation, polyclinic visits, observation in the operating room, seminar and article hours, and joint meetings between clinics take place, Mehmetçik continued to advise, “Students who continue and successfully complete their compulsory clinical internships during the 4th and 5th years, move on to the 6th year, and begin to work as an intern, and at the end of this semester, graduate with the title of "Medical Doctor".

Stating that the faculty has education and research laboratories that are equipped with technology of the highest standard, with the aim to provide students with the best and highest quality education, Mehmetçik informed that as well as Clinical Skills Laboratories; Molecular Medicine, Biochemistry, Neurological Sciences, Cell Culture, Microbiology, Neurophysiology, hemodynamics laboratories are also available providing the facilities for students to carry out all forms of research and work.

Emphasizing that in addition to a comprehensive model laboratory designed for anatomy education, they also have an advanced cadaver hall, Prof. Dr. Mehmetçik noted that by presenting each student with separate microscopes and training sets, Physiology Education is carried out with a computerized data recording and experiment system.

Reminding that graduates from the faculty graduate with the title of doctor, Mehmetçik stated that graduates take part in various levels of health services in the fields of diagnosis and treatment services, health consultancy, health education, health research and management.