
CIU Faculty of Medicine held its 3rd Poster Information Presentation

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Medicine students presented their posters on subjects such as COVID-19, AIDS, Gene Editing, Antibiotic Resistance, Cell Ageing, and Anti-ageing, Metabolic Syndrome, Microbiota, the inequality that was created by COVID-19 and the autoimmune diseases, and the future of immunotherapy.

The information posters presented within the scope of the “Faculty of Medicine Students Poster Presentations” event, were evaluated by a jury that was formed by the faculty.

Speaking within the scope of the event, CIU Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Dr. Güldal Mehmetçik informed, “Knowledge in the field of medicine has increased rapidly in the last fifty years. While new skills have been added to the practices, some of the old practices have been removed from the education program. Special Study Modules are programs that allow students to work in areas of interest outside of the core curriculum.

Pointing out that in undergraduate medical education, Special Study Modules have an important role in the development of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behavior goals, Mehmetçik went on to say, “Special Study Modules have a number of advantages, such as providing students with the opportunity to study in-depth in their chosen field, to be integrated into the curriculum, being multidisciplinary, the establishment of lifelong learning, responding to students' different interests, and using different learning techniques and resources”.

Advising that as the CIU Faculty of Medicine, they have carried out the poster event for the third time now, Prof. Dr. Mehmetçik explained that the students completed their posters under the supervision of their advisors, and then went on to present their posters on their subjects.

While 1st and 2nd year CIU Faculty of Medicine students took place at the event, the advisors of the poster presentations were Prof. Dr. Güldal Mehmetçik, Prof. Dr. Banu Elçin Yoldaşcan, Prof. Dr. Naim Barlas Aytaçoğlu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Işın, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Seyer, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ruken Tan, and Academic Staff Bora Ağıt.