
CIU to host Global Faculty meet up

CIU will host the 9th International Education Congress 
Faculty of Education will be hosting the 9th International Education Congress organized by Educational Research and Publications Association (ERPA) on September 22-25, 2022. 

Ten branch congresses will be held concurrently: 
ERPA International Educational Sciences Congress
ERPA International Science and Mathematics Education Congress
ERPA International Social Sciences Education Congress
ERPA International Health and Sports Science Education Congress
ERPA International Music and Fine Arts Education Congress
ERPA International Special Education Congress
ERPA International Computer Education and Instructional Technology Congress
ERPA International Language Education Congress
ERPA International Management of Education Congress
ERPA International Engineering and Architecture Education Congress

Dean of the Faculty of Education Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Yalın stated that they aim to bring together international scholars at this congress so as to establish the medium  to enable them to share new information and ideas and the latest research findings, and to evaluate these findings in terms of their contribution to education.

Reminding that due to the pandemic, new orientations and developments have emerged in the field of education as in every other field, Yalın stated he believed that they would have the opportunity to discuss new approaches and new perspectives at these concurrent congresses.

Prof. Dr. Yalın informed that many scholars from different countries will participate in the congress, and that there will also be invited speakers, panels and workshops. Those who are interested can have access to detailed information about the congresses at https://www.erpacongress.com .