
CIU Library donates books to different institutions and establishments

Cyprus International University (CIU) Library Directorate donates books to different institutions and boards in North Cyprus.

Explaining that book donations and swapping is a frequent behavior in cultures where reading is important, CIU Library manager Özlem Araz went on to say, “All book lovers know that there is a reader for every book and that every book for its owner is invaluable. It is for this reason that for the donators, they wish for each of their books to go to individuals who will protect them and for them to be loved by them as much as they loved them”.

Advising that for many years, the CIU library has received a number of book donations from both individuals and institutions, Araz continued, “As the CIU Library Directorate, we choose the donated books according to their appeal to our readership and whether we have a lot of copies or not”.

Informing that they don’t accept some of the books that have been donated to the library, Araz went on to state, “We separate the donated books according to their grades or levels. If they are not suitable for our readership, we donate them to various institutions and libraries”.

Araz pointed out that their goal is to unite each book with its reader, and informed, “We do not want a limitation on this goal. Due to their space, every library is providing a limited service to the reader”.

Drawing attention to the fact that the careful sharing and use of books will lead to their reaching everybody, Özlem Araz concluded, “The application of a careful selection will lead to the accessing of information from people of all walks of life and every age”.