CIU organized a seminar for counselling teachers on psychological resilience during the pandemic
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Education organized a seminar on "Psychological Resilience during the Pandemic" for counselling teachers.

Moderating the seminar organized online within the scope of Covid-19 epidemic measures was Aslıhan Kaygısız, while Academic Staff Assist. Prof. Dr. Gürcan Seçim of the Faculty of Education, Counseling and Psychological Guidance program, provided information at the event.
Pointing out that psychological resilience in general terms is psychological flexibility, Seçim went on to state “Psychological resilience is the ability to recover and adapt when faced with difficulties, traumas and chronic life stresses”.
Noting that individuals with psychological resilience are deemed as individuals with the ability to solve problems, adapt in stressful situations, and who can stand up again after traumas, Assist. Prof. Dr. Seçim elaborated that these individuals are generally those who can plan flexibly, make choices that increase their resilience and problem-solving power, and who have the ability to change and adapt. Advising that individuals with psychological resilience display goal-oriented and decisive behaviors, Seçim also noted that they take responsibility for developing their weaknesses.
Attitudes of parents are effective in psychological resilience from the early ages.
Reminding that in the early ages of life, parental attitudes are effective in the formation of psychological resilience, Seçim noted that attitudes that display acceptance and interest towards the child, caring about the child's thoughts and how they feel, supporting the expression of their feelings positively, reinforces a child’s self-esteem and self-worth perception. Seçim emphasized that in the event of a child encountering a problem, parental attitudes that do not impose a ready-made solution, and instead support finding and trying alternative routes of locating a solution, increase the child's problem-solving power.
Adding that the culture and educational system in which we live in plays an effective role in the process of development, Assist. Prof. Dr. Seçim concluded that all of these components establish the basis of the ability to regulate emotions and behaviors during the adult life, life skills and therefore psychological resilience.