The CIU “Science Slam” competition is completed
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Medicine organized a scientific event called “Science Slam”. The “Science Slam” science competition, where young scientists conveyed their scientific subjects live to the audience in a simplified yet entertaining language, was held by the students of the CIU Faculty of Medicine.

Three different main subjects were worked upon within the presentations made by groups of second year students of the Faculty of Medicine.
The event that was supervised by CIU Faculty of Medicine Faculty Members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Işın, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Seyer and Dr. Cengiz Gökeri, saw the students grouped under the titles "Cancer Immunology", "Immunology Against Parasites" and "Immunology Against Bacteria".
Within the specified time, the students conveyed their projects, which they had prepared in the context of their previous literature reviews, in a simple, understandable and entertaining language to participants outside the field.
Within the specified time frame, the students conveyed their projects which they had prepared in the context of their literature reviews conducted previously, in a simple, understandable and entertaining language, to participants outside of the field.
Successful students received their awards from Faculty of Medicine Dean, Prof. Dr. Güldal Mehmetçik
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, a limited number of participants attended the event, where how the immune system reacts against cancer, bacteria or parasites was explained. The best performing top three students were established by audience voting, who received their awards at the end of the event presented by CIU Medical Faculty Dean, Prof. Dr. Güldal Mehmetçik.
Faculty of Medicine Academic Staff Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Seyer stated that the competition is organized within the scope of the personal development activities of students, where they aim for the students to convey scientific subjects to an audience outside the subject, in a simple and fun style.
Drawing attention to the fact that using research techniques students should use methods of scanning and assimilating medical literature, Seyer went on to say, “Due to this, our students will self-improve in research methods, literature scanning and presentation techniques”.