
CIU students visit the Değirmenlik Municipality Day Care Home, coming together with the elderly

CIU Guidance and Psychological Counseling program, Developmental Psychology (Adolescence, Adult, and Elderly) students, visit the Day Care Home affiliated with the Değirmenlik Municipality, within the scope of a social responsibility project.

The visit which was organized under the supervision of the Faculty of Education academic staff Assist. Prof. Dr. Şerife Özbiler, saw information obtained in relation to the center.

During the visit in question under the supervision of Assist. Prof. Dr. Özbiler, at the center, the students held small group workshops to support their cognitive, physical, and psychological-social development.

Noting that the students had the opportunity to observe at the center, Assist. Prof. Dr. Özbiler added that they obtained information in relation to rehabilitation counseling.

Özbiler expressed that middle-aged and older individuals are the most affected by the Covid-19 epidemic process that is still showing its effect across the world and in our country, and emphasized that elderly-friendly municipalities should be increased and supported.

During the event, the Değirmenlik Municipality Day Care Center Specialist Psychologist Laden Serinsu expressed her satisfaction with the university’s visit, expressing her hope for the cooperation between the university and the municipality to continue.