
CIU Sustainability Photo Contest Results Announced

The results of the photo contest titled "Water: Our Most Valuable Asset: Sustainability" organized by Cyprus International University (CIU), Faculty of Communication, Department of Public Relations and Advertising have been announced. As a result of the evaluations made by the jury members, Dorsa Akbarpour was awarded the first place, Mobina Aminroa the second and Oğuz Bayıl the third.

Speaking at the opening of the photography contest titled “Water: Our Most Valuable Asset: Sustainability”, CIU Rector Prof. Dr. Halil Nadiri expressed his happiness on behalf of the university for  hosting such an important event on water and sustainability, which is one of the most important issues of our time; and said, "For us, it is very valuable to raise environmentally conscious students." Nadiri congratulated not only the students who received  awards in the contest but also all the students who made the effort to contribute, and wished that events such as this one would be organized internationally in the coming years.

Dean of the Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Aytekin İşman stated that this year they focused on  water within the framework of sustainability, and said, " At the poster exhibition we organized last year, we had included studies in the context of sustainability on our campus." Reminding that as the Faculty of Communication, they do not only focus on the academic development of the students, but they also organize various activities so that students have a vision of a sustainable future.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Bahar Taşeli, the Chair of the Department of Public Relations and Advertising, also stated that each photograph that was awarded and worth exhibiting reflects the importance of water in our lives from the students' perspective and contributes to increasing an awareness on the subject.

Following the opening speeches, the exhibition which included 33 photographs selected by the members of the jury from among 150 photographs all of which aimed to raise awareness about the importance of water and sustainability, was opened for viewing.

The Jury members were: Prof. Dr. Melih Zafer Arıcan from Sakarya University, Prof. Dr. Aydın Ziya Özgür from Anadolu University, Assist. Prof. Dr. Yetin Arslan from Eastern Mediterranean University,  Assist. Prof. Dr. Gürkan Gökaşan from CIU Faculty of Visual Arts and Architecture,  Dr. Engin Aluç from CIU Faculty of Communication, and Fine art Photographers  Assist. Prof. Dr. İsmail Gökçe, Hasan Bağlar, and Buket Özatay.