CIU will accept students through the Student Placement and Scholarship Ranking System in the 2020-2021 Academic Year
Cyprus International University (CIU) will accept students through the Student Placement and Scholarship Ranking System (ÖYBSS), which will be valid only for the 2020-21 Academic year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A new system for education by scholarship
Besides TRNC or TRNC / TR dual citizenship high school graduates, students graduating at the end of 2019-20 Academic Year, will also be able to apply to ÖYBSS. Also, students, who have completed their high school education, in an educational institution providing formal education in TRNC without interruption will be able to apply to the system.
How to apply
According to the information given by the CIU TRNC Promotion Office, applications will be accepted into the programs by taking into consideration the students' high school diploma grade, or 2019-20 fall semester grade point average in cases where the diploma grade point average could not be formulated at the end of 2019-20 fall semester, or international exam results (GCE, SAT, ACT, etc.).. Furthermore, the scholarship rights will be determined based on their GPA.
Scholarship opportunities
It was reported that in addition to the educational scholarship, the university provides a wide range of scholarship opportunities to the students such as academic achievement scholarship, sportsperson scholarship, graduate scholarship, sibling discount.
Deadline 3 July
It was stated that the applications to the aforementioned system started on 21 May 2020 and will continue until 3 July 2020, and no application fee will be requested from the candidates.
While it was reported that the applications can be made from the website, it was also added that after the application, the candidates receive an information SMS and an e-mail about the detailed evaluations results.
Depending on the evaluation results, it was pointed out that the students, who will continue their university education at CIU, should pre-register to the University and the pre-registration must be completed as soon as possible because the education programs are limited to the quotas available.