
Club Festival Excitement at CIU

The Social Activities and Student Clubs Coordinate within the Cyprus International University (CIU) Student Counseling and Development Center, organized the traditional Student Clubs Festival event at the University Nature Cafe, in order to introduce the clubs and the social activities to the students in the new academic year.

The student club stands were set up within the area, where the club presidents and their representatives provided information in relation to the clubs and the activities that are organized within the club.

During the Student Club Festival which lasted two days, a number of clubs set up stands representing a number of fields, such as law, psychology, literature, engineering, dance, theatre, music, photography, and sports.

Stating that according to the activities they perform, the clubs are divided into 3, the CIU Social Activities and Students Club Coordinator Selen Akün Kalaycı went on to state, “We have expert clubs, cultural, art and thought clubs, and sports clubs. I am expecting all the clubs to be active, especially after the pandemic”.

Underlining that together with the newly opening clubs, there will be an increase in the social activities within the university life, Kalaycı added, “We would like for performance based clubs to collaborate and organize activities together throughout the year”.

The Theatre Club President Selin Sural stated that with the new registrations, they will continue to be the largest and the most active club within the campus, and continued, “This year we would like to stage three different theatre shows, as well as this, we aim to organize a number of different activities and social responsibility projects”.

Sharing the information that the first play will be staged during the last month of December, Sural went on to say, “The entire team is continuing their rehearsals at full speed for the theater show ‘Reservoir Poodles’".

The Psychology Club President Idil Çıtak stated that they gave information to the new members of the club, and advised, “We told them all about what type of club we are and what type of activities they can expect throughout the year”.

Expressing that they played a variety of games with the students that visited their stand, Çıtak stated, “We are really happy with the interest and relevance that we received on the last day of the club’s festival, I believe we will have a very productive year”.