Contribution from CIU to the Engineering Sciences Dictionary
The Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies of Cyprus International University (CIU), Prof. Dr. İbrahim Baktır took place among the academics who contributed to the formation of the Engineering Sciences Glossary, which is the first part of the glossary of Turkish Science Dictionary, published by the Turkish Science Association (TSA).

Baktır stated that the Engineering Sciences Dictionary was published in three volumes and the source in question contains descriptions of each word, term, or plant in Turkish, German, French, and Latin.
Terms related to all fields of engineering…
Baktır underlined that the work was completed in more than two years, and added: "The dictionary contains terms from all fields of engineering, from informatics to environment, from agriculture to aerospace science."
Mentioning that a total of 129 scientists contributed voluntarily to the work in 22 fields from many universities, Baktır continued: “as the only author from TRNC, I am extremely happy and proud to be among the authors of this unique work.”
Prof. Dr. Baktır finally stated that this dictionary would appeal to a wide audience, and wished that the studies in the social sciences and health fields should would be completed in a short time and offered to the users.