The contribution of teachers is important in shaping the democracy, development and process of progress in a society
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Education, Guidance and Psychological Counseling Department academic staff,Assist Prof. Dr. Gürcan Seçim , speaking within the scope of 24th November Teachers Day, stated that Teachers day is a special day generally associated with the names that left a mark on the history of countries and education systems. For this reason teachers day has a different meaning and significance for different countries stipulated Seçim.

Reminding that teachers day in some countries is celebrated on the day that the "recommendation concerning the status of teachers" was adopted by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on 5th October, Seçim noted that it is celebrated on 24th November in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Turkey.
Drawing attention to the importance of selecting the 24th November as the day to celebrate Teachers day, Assist Prof. Dr. Seçim stated that this day is meaningful due to it being the day that the founder of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, officially approved the “Headmasters of National Schools” on 24th November, 1928.
Noting that Atatürk's process of change in democracy is an example to the world, Seçim stated that the value he attributed to education, can be understood from his opening speech at the 1st Education Congress, which he did not allow to be postponed and returned to Ankara to attend, while he was engaged in the War of Independence.
Stating that the contribution of teachers is important in shaping the democracy, development, and process of progress in a society and in that country, Assist. Prof. Dr. Seçim went on to say, “Teachers are human and social engineers who shape not only the time but also the future of a generation. Therefore, it is quite meaningful to celebrate Teachers' Day by reviewing the value given to teachers and national goals”