The Covid-19 process leads to an increase in the violation of children’s rights
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Education, Guidance and Psychological Counseling Program Academic Staff Assist. Prof. Dr. Bengü Berkmen stated that violation of children's rights is an important problem that continues to exist and noted that the numbers of research reports involving this process are frightening.

Drawing attention to the report published by UNICEF regarding the goals achieved during 2019, Berkmen said, "In the report we can see to what extent children's rights are violated, and we need to work much more for them."
Assist. Prof. Dr. Berkmen stated that according to the UNICEF report, throughout one year food was provided to 307 million children under the age of 5 who did not have the opportunity of regular nutrition, provided drinking water to 18 million children, provided preschool, primary and secondary education to 17 million children who could not go to school, and basic health services to 15 and a half million children.
Support reaches a certain portion of the child population
Underlining that this support reaches only a certain part of the child population, and with the negative conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic process adding to this picture, Berkmen reminded that there are millions of children waiting to have their basic needs met.
Stating that in addition to having their basic needs met, the rates of child maltreatment are also serious, and drawing attention to the report prepared by the World Health Organization, Berkmen noted that in the last year, it was determined that one out of every 10 children were physically abused, and one out of every 5 women and one out of every 13 men were sexually abused between the ages of 0-17.
Berkmen emphasized that there is a lot to be done in relation to children's rights all over the world, and emphasized that efforts should be increased so that all children can live in a world where their rights and are not abused and neglected.