Dr. Fazıl Küçük devoted his life to the independence of the Turkish Cypriot people
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Education academic staff Assist. Prof. Dr. Yurdal Cihangir stated that Dr. Fazıl Küçük is a person who devoted his life to the Cyprus case and the struggle for the Turkish Cypriot people’s independence, and noted that he carried a great love for his people.

Reminding that when Küçük returned to the island as a doctor, while he tried to execute his occupation, at the same time he showed a deep interest in the problems of the Turkish Cypriot community, Cihangir stated that he tried to find solutions to the problems of the Turkish Cypriots during any excess time after work.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Cihangir added that while at one side Küçük was struggling against the separative behavior displayed by the British Colony Administration towards the Turkish Cypriots, at the same time he continued his struggle against the Greek Cypriot desire for ENOSIS.
Expressing that after EOKA, that was established in order to connect the island to Greece, begun doing demonstrations in Cyprus, Küçük first of all led the establishment of the Turkish Cypriot Resistance Organization and then the secret organization called "Volkan", Cihangir noted that he served in the highest rank in the Turkish Resistance Organization (TRO) with the code name "Ağrı".
Stating that at the conference that was held in London on 17th February 1959, Küçük represented the Turkish Cypriot people, following the agreement that was established in Zurich in 1959 between the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Turkey and Greece, Cihangir reminded that on the 19th February 1959, he signed the founding treaties of the Republic of Cyprus.
Cihangir advised that in the name of the Turkish Cypriot people, Dr. Fazıl Küçük was brought as the Vice President of the Republic of Cyprus that was established in 1960, but added that due to the negative behavior of the Greek Cypriots towards the Turkish Cypriots, that his struggle continued.
Emphasizing that Küçük continued to be the voice of the Turkish Cypriots and their struggle for existence, and did this particularly within the newspaper named Halkın Sesi (The Public’s Voice), Cihangir noted that until his last breath, he continued his devoted efforts for the bright future of his people.
Cihangir noted that Küçük had welcomed the establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in 1983 with great joy, and expressed on this 38th anniversary of his death, that they commemorate him with longing and respect.