Education is every child’s basic right
CIU Faculty of Education, Department of Basic Education Chair, Assist. Prof. Dr. Sarem Özdemir, stated that education is the foremost and fundamental right of every child, and continued “It is the most vital period to ensure that primary education children grow up to their own full potential, by explaining to them that they should be good and useful citizens, and to assist them in gaining basic knowledge, skills, behaviors and habits in life.”

Özdemir, who said that the week of primary education is celebrated during the first week of education, reminded that this year, due to the epidemic in the world and in our country, a different process has been observed and therefore primary education started as distance education two weeks before the said date.
“The foundations of knowledge and skills are laid during primary education”
Noting that the foundation of lifelong knowledge and skills are laid during primary education, Assist. Prof. Dr. Özdemir stated "However, it is also among the duties of primary education to prepare children for social life, to gain the ability to see the truth, the beauty and the good, to act together, to develop superior feelings such as cooperation, solidarity, friendship, and human love."
Pointing out that reading and writing and arithmetic are not the only subjects included in the scope of primary education, Özdemir emphasized, "Humanities are also discussed in this period, because this is the most important step taken by the child to get to know the world".
“He who opens a school door, closes a prison
Emphasizing that the most important step towards a prosperous life both locally and globally is taken in primary education, by quoting Victor Hugo, Sarem Özdemir highlighted the importance of primary education with just one sentence, “He who opens a school door, closes a prison”
Underlining that a child should be active in the primary education process in order to carry out their social and emotional development in a healthy way, Özdemir said that every individual who loves their country and the world, especially parents and teachers, has a responsibility for education, which is the fundamental right of every child, and should strive in this matter.