Agricultural Sciences

Education in the field of Agricultural Sciences

Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences Prof. Dr. İbrahim Baktır of Cyprus International University (CIU) stated that the supply of healthy food has become a big problem due to the constant increase in the world population, and noted that agricultural education has gained great importance in order to walk into the future with confidence.

Baktır said that the excessive use of chemicals in the production of foods that threaten health is on the rise, and that there is a  decrease in usable water resources as a result of environmental pollution, global warming and climate change.  He also reminded that agricultural practices and production technologies have entered a new era and that innovation in agriculture should be a hot topic in our day and age. 

Prof. Dr. Baktır stated that this issue directly concerns billions of people and that agricultural engineers play a major role in solving these problems immediately.

Emphasizing that the demand for competent agricultural engineers are greatly needed in the public and private sectors all over the world, Baktır said, “Universities have more duties than ever before in raising well-equipped and competent agricultural engineers.”

Dean Baktır stated that there are many laboratories and student practice areas within the CIU Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, and drew attention to the fact that this allows students not only to acquire theoretical knowledge but also to conduct applied studies on the subject.

Dr. Baktır explained that multi-faceted production can be made in these practice areas and that there are farms that process the products.  Baktır noted that the students in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies aim to specialize in agricultural practices together with the faculty members who are experts in their fields.
Prof. Dr. Baktır stated that they also do internships during the summer periods to support students' practical knowledge, and stated that the students can also do their internships at research institutes affiliated to the Ministries of Agriculture, and as well as at national and international companies and municipalities. 

Baktır said Cyprus enjoys the Mediterranean climate,  and as such, in terms of agriculture, it is an area for extensive agricultural produce and added, "Our students have the opportunity to  familiarize themselves with many plants of economic value in the lessons."

Dean Baktır emphasized that the need for experts in the field of agriculture has increased all over the world and said, "There are no unemployed students among our graduates, and this is a privilege for our alumni."

Reminding that as a faculty, they are in close cooperation with the TRNC Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Baktır said, “We organize joint seminars and workshops. These open new windows for our students based on our close contacts with the TRNC producers.